Archipelago Version 0.4.5 - Seed: 26233835605748437668 Filling Algorithm: balanced Players: 2 Plando Options: bosses Player 1: Davis Game: Starcraft 2 Progression Balancing: 50 Accessibility: Items Local Items: Not Local Items: Start Inventory: Start Hints: Start Location Hints: Excluded Locations: Priority Locations: Item Links: Game Difficulty: Normal Game Speed: Default Disable Forced Camera Movement: No Skip Cutscenes: No All In Map: Ground Mission Order: Mini Campaign Maximum Campaign Size: 83 Start with two unlocked missions on grid:No Terran Player Color (Raynor): Violet Protoss Player Color: Dark Green Zerg Player Color: Blue Zerg Player Color (Primal): Light Green Enable Wings of Liberty missions:Yes Enable Prophecy missions: No Enable Heart of the Swarm missions:Yes Enable Prologue (Legacy of the Void) missions:No Enable Legacy of the Void (main campaign) missions:Yes Enable Epilogue missions: No Enable Nova Covert Ops missions: No Shuffle Campaigns: No Shuffle No-Build Missions: No Starter Unit: Balanced Required Tactics: Standard Ensure Generic Items: 25 Minimum number of upgrades per unit/structure:4 Maximum number of upgrades per unit/structure:-1 Generic Upgrade Missions: 0 Generic Upgrade Research: Always Auto Generic Upgrade Items: Individual Items Kerrigan Presence: Vanilla Levels Per Mission Beaten: 0 Levels Per Mission Beaten Cap: -1 Kerrigan Level Item Sum: 70 Kerrigan Level Item Distribution:Smooth Total Level Cap: -1 Starting Primary Abilities: 0 Kerrigan Primal Status: Vanilla Spear of Adun Presence: Protoss Spear of Adun Present in No-Build:Yes Spear of Adun Autonomously Cast Powers Presence:LotV Protoss Spear of Adun Autonomously Cast Powers Present in No-Build:No Grant Story Tech: No Grant Story Levels: Minimum Take Over AI Allies: No Locked Items: Excluded Items: Excluded Missions: Exclude Very Hard Missions: Default Nova Covert Ops Items: Yes Brood War Items: Yes Extended Items: Yes Vanilla Locations: Enabled Extra Locations: Enabled Challenge Locations: Enabled Mastery Locations: Enabled Minerals Per Item: 25 Vespene Per Item: 25 Starting Supply Per Item: 5 Player 2: octylFractal Game: Starcraft 2 Progression Balancing: 50 Accessibility: Items Local Items: Not Local Items: Start Inventory: Start Hints: Start Location Hints: Excluded Locations: Priority Locations: Item Links: Game Difficulty: Casual Game Speed: Fast Disable Forced Camera Movement: No Skip Cutscenes: No All In Map: Ground Mission Order: Mini Campaign Maximum Campaign Size: 83 Start with two unlocked missions on grid:No Terran Player Color (Raynor): Rainbow Protoss Player Color: Rainbow Zerg Player Color: Rainbow Zerg Player Color (Primal): Rainbow Enable Wings of Liberty missions:Yes Enable Prophecy missions: No Enable Heart of the Swarm missions:Yes Enable Prologue (Legacy of the Void) missions:No Enable Legacy of the Void (main campaign) missions:Yes Enable Epilogue missions: No Enable Nova Covert Ops missions: No Shuffle Campaigns: No Shuffle No-Build Missions: No Starter Unit: Balanced Required Tactics: Standard Ensure Generic Items: 25 Minimum number of upgrades per unit/structure:4 Maximum number of upgrades per unit/structure:-1 Generic Upgrade Missions: 0 Generic Upgrade Research: Always Auto Generic Upgrade Items: Individual Items Kerrigan Presence: Vanilla Levels Per Mission Beaten: 0 Levels Per Mission Beaten Cap: -1 Kerrigan Level Item Sum: 70 Kerrigan Level Item Distribution:Smooth Total Level Cap: -1 Starting Primary Abilities: 0 Kerrigan Primal Status: Vanilla Spear of Adun Presence: Everywhere Spear of Adun Present in No-Build:No Spear of Adun Autonomously Cast Powers Presence:Everywhere Spear of Adun Autonomously Cast Powers Present in No-Build:No Grant Story Tech: No Grant Story Levels: Minimum Take Over AI Allies: No Locked Items: Excluded Items: Excluded Missions: Devil's Playground Exclude Very Hard Missions: Default Nova Covert Ops Items: Yes Brood War Items: Yes Extended Items: Yes Vanilla Locations: Enabled Extra Locations: Enabled Challenge Locations: Enabled Mastery Locations: Enabled Minerals Per Item: 25 Vespene Per Item: 25 Starting Supply Per Item: 5 Locations: Lab Rat: Victory (Davis): Dusk Wings (Davis) Lab Rat: Gather Minerals (Davis): Aberration (octylFractal) Lab Rat: South Zergling Group (Davis): Nexus Overcharge (octylFractal) Lab Rat: East Zergling Group (Davis): Blood Hunter (octylFractal) Lab Rat: West Zergling Group (Davis): Particle Reflection (Stalker/Instigator/Slayer) (octylFractal) Lab Rat: Hatchery (Davis): Jump Jets (Goliath) (Davis) Lab Rat: Overlord (Davis): Cerberus Mine (Spider Mine) (Davis) Lab Rat: Gas Turrets (Davis): Viking (octylFractal) Beat Lab Rat (Davis): Beat Lab Rat (Davis) Shoot the Messenger: Victory (Davis): Torrasque Strain (Ultralisk) (Davis) Shoot the Messenger: East Stasis Chamber (Davis): Progressive Zerg Melee Attack (octylFractal) Shoot the Messenger: Center Stasis Chamber (Davis): Progressive Terran Infantry Weapon (octylFractal) Shoot the Messenger: West Stasis Chamber (Davis): Progressive Zerg Missile Attack (Davis) Shoot the Messenger: Destroy 4 Shuttles (Davis): Vespene Efficiency (Kerrigan Tier 5) (octylFractal) Shoot the Messenger: Frozen Expansion (Davis): Progressive Zerg Missile Attack (Davis) Shoot the Messenger: Southwest Frozen Zerg (Davis): Hallucination (High Templar/Signifier) (Davis) Shoot the Messenger: Southeast Frozen Zerg (Davis): Internal Tech Module (Battlecruiser) (octylFractal) Shoot the Messenger: West Frozen Zerg (Davis): Progressive Defensive Matrix (Battlecruiser) (Davis) Shoot the Messenger: East Frozen Zerg (Davis): Kinetic Blast (Kerrigan Tier 1) (octylFractal) Beat Shoot the Messenger (Davis): Beat Shoot the Messenger (Davis) Harvest of Screams: Victory (Davis): Progressive Protoss Air Armor (octylFractal) Harvest of Screams: First Ursadon Matriarch (Davis): 6 Kerrigan Levels (Davis) Harvest of Screams: North Ursadon Matriarch (Davis): Nano Projector (Medic) (Davis) Harvest of Screams: West Ursadon Matriarch (Davis): Gravitic Thrusters (Scout) (Davis) Harvest of Screams: Lost Brood (Davis): W.I.L.D. Missiles (Viking) (Davis) Harvest of Screams: Northeast Psi-link Spire (Davis): Reconstruction Beam (Spear of Adun Auto-Cast) (Davis) Harvest of Screams: Northwest Psi-link Spire (Davis): Chitinous Plating (Ultralisk) (octylFractal) Harvest of Screams: Southwest Psi-link Spire (Davis): Progressive Protoss Ground Weapon (octylFractal) Harvest of Screams: Nafash (Davis): Hostile Environment Adaptation (SCV) (Davis) Beat Harvest of Screams (Davis): Beat Harvest of Screams (Davis) Domination: Victory (Davis): Twin-Linked Flamethrower (Hellion) (Davis) Domination: Center Infested Command Center (Davis): Internal Tech Module (Banshee) (Davis) Domination: North Infested Command Center (Davis): Spawn Banelings (Kerrigan Tier 4) (octylFractal) Domination: Repel Zagara (Davis): Scatter Veil (Medivac) (Davis) Domination: Close Baneling Nest (Davis): Microbial Shroud (Infestor) (Davis) Domination: South Baneling Nest (Davis): Enhanced Cluster Launchers (Valkyrie) (octylFractal) Domination: Southwest Baneling Nest (Davis): Progressive Terran Ship Armor (octylFractal) Domination: Southeast Baneling Nest (Davis): Kinetic Foam (Firebat) (Davis) Domination: North Baneling Nest (Davis): Tech Reactor (octylFractal) Domination: Northeast Baneling Nest (Davis): Infested Terran (Infestor) (octylFractal) Beat Domination (Davis): Beat Domination (Davis) Old Soldiers: Victory (Davis): Guardian Shell (Davis) Old Soldiers: East Science Lab (Davis): Progressive Fire-Suppression System (octylFractal) Old Soldiers: North Science Lab (Davis): Progressive Stimpack (Marine) (octylFractal) Old Soldiers: Get Nuked (Davis): Dusk Wings (octylFractal) Old Soldiers: Entrance Gate (Davis): Progressive Terran Ship Armor (Davis) Old Soldiers: Citadel Gate (Davis): Progressive Protoss Ground Armor (octylFractal) Old Soldiers: South Expansion (Davis): Rogue Forces (octylFractal) Old Soldiers: Rich Mineral Expansion (Davis): Rapid Deployment Tube (Medivac) (Davis) Beat Old Soldiers (Davis): Beat Old Soldiers (Davis) Waking the Ancient: Victory (Davis): Organic Carapace (Swarm Host) (octylFractal) Waking the Ancient: Center Essence Pool (Davis): Progressive Regenerative Bio-Steel (Davis) Waking the Ancient: East Essence Pool (Davis): 330mm Barrage Cannon (Thor) (Davis) Waking the Ancient: South Essence Pool (Davis): Cloak (Predator) (Davis) Waking the Ancient: Finish Feeding (Davis): Photon Cannon (Davis) Waking the Ancient: South Proxy Primal Hive (Davis): Blink (Dark Templar/Avenger/Blood Hunter) (octylFractal) Waking the Ancient: East Proxy Primal Hive (Davis): Medic (Davis) Waking the Ancient: South Main Primal Hive (Davis): Mirage (octylFractal) Waking the Ancient: East Main Primal Hive (Davis): Firebat (Davis) Beat Waking the Ancient (Davis): Beat Waking the Ancient (Davis) Rendezvous: Victory (Davis): Concussive Shells (Marauder) (Davis) Rendezvous: Right Queen (Davis): ATX Laser Battery (Battlecruiser) (octylFractal) Rendezvous: Center Queen (Davis): Ocular Implants (Ghost) (Davis) Rendezvous: Left Queen (Davis): Progressive Stimpack (Marauder) (octylFractal) Rendezvous: Hold Out Finished (Davis): Reaver (Davis) Beat Rendezvous (Davis): Beat Rendezvous (Davis) Fire in the Sky: Victory (Davis): Progressive Protoss Air Weapon (octylFractal) Fire in the Sky: West Biomass (Davis): Hel's Angels (Davis) Fire in the Sky: North Biomass (Davis): Spartan Company (octylFractal) Fire in the Sky: South Biomass (Davis): Magrail Munitions (Marauder) (Davis) Fire in the Sky: Destroy 3 Gorgons (Davis): Reforged Bloodshard Core (Destroyer) (Davis) Fire in the Sky: Close Zerg Rescue (Davis): Progressive Regenerative Bio-Steel (octylFractal) Fire in the Sky: South Zerg Rescue (Davis): Kinetic Blast (Kerrigan Tier 1) (Davis) Fire in the Sky: North Zerg Rescue (Davis): Khaydarin Monolith (Davis) Fire in the Sky: West Queen Rescue (Davis): Resource Efficiency (Ghost) (Davis) Fire in the Sky: East Queen Rescue (Davis): Mass Recall (Spear of Adun Calldown) (octylFractal) Beat Fire in the Sky (Davis): Beat Fire in the Sky (Davis) The Crucible: Victory (Davis): Kinetic Foam (Marauder) (Davis) The Crucible: Tyrannozor (Davis): Optimized Logistics (Marine) (Davis) The Crucible: Reach the Pool (Davis): Solarite Payload (Reaver) (Davis) The Crucible: 15 Minutes Remaining (Davis): Jotun (octylFractal) The Crucible: 5 Minutes Remaining (Davis): Medic (octylFractal) The Crucible: Pincer Attack (Davis): Burrow (Swarm Host) (Davis) The Crucible: Yagdra Claims Brakk's Pack (Davis): Progressive Terran Ship Weapon (Davis) Beat The Crucible (Davis): Beat The Crucible (Davis) The Reckoning: Victory (Davis): Ventral Sacs (Overlord) (Davis) The Reckoning: South Lane (Davis): Scatter Veil (Medivac) (octylFractal) The Reckoning: North Lane (Davis): Button With a Skull on It (Thor) (octylFractal) The Reckoning: East Lane (Davis): Progressive Terran Vehicle Weapon (octylFractal) The Reckoning: Odin (Davis): Progressive Zerg Ground Carapace (octylFractal) Beat The Reckoning (Davis): Beat The Reckoning (Davis) Infested: Victory (Davis): 8 Kerrigan Levels (octylFractal) Infested: East Science Facility (Davis): Resource Efficiency (Spectre) (octylFractal) Infested: Center Science Facility (Davis): Warp Prism (octylFractal) Infested: West Science Facility (Davis): Superior Warp Gates (Davis) Infested: First Intro Garrison (Davis): Progressive Tomahawk Power Cells (Wraith) (Davis) Infested: Second Intro Garrison (Davis): Combat Shield (Marine) (Davis) Infested: Base Garrison (Davis): High Archon (Archon) (octylFractal) Infested: East Garrison (Davis): Restoration (Medic) (octylFractal) Infested: Mid Garrison (Davis): Creeper Strain (Swarm Host) (Davis) Infested: North Garrison (Davis): Mothership (Davis) Infested: Close Southwest Garrison (Davis): Resource Efficiency (Medic) (Davis) Infested: Far Southwest Garrison (Davis): Covert Ops Engines (Battlecruiser) (Davis) Beat Infested (Davis): Beat Infested (Davis) Hand of Darkness: Victory (Davis): Phase Blaster (Warp Prism) (octylFractal) Hand of Darkness: North Brutalisk (Davis): Shaped Hull (Banshee) (Davis) Hand of Darkness: South Brutalisk (Davis): Nano Projectors (Firebat) (octylFractal) Hand of Darkness: Kill 1 Hybrid (Davis): Progressive Stimpack (Firebat) (octylFractal) Hand of Darkness: Kill 2 Hybrid (Davis): Ion Thrusters (Diamondback) (Davis) Hand of Darkness: Kill 3 Hybrid (Davis): Progressive Protoss Air Armor (Davis) Hand of Darkness: Kill 4 Hybrid (Davis): Psionic Lash (Spectre) (Davis) Hand of Darkness: Kill 5 Hybrid (Davis): Advanced Ballistics (Liberator) (Davis) Hand of Darkness: Kill 6 Hybrid (Davis): Progressive Terran Infantry Weapon (Davis) Hand of Darkness: Kill 7 Hybrid (Davis): Observer (octylFractal) Beat Hand of Darkness (Davis): Beat Hand of Darkness (Davis) Phantoms of the Void: Victory (Davis): Phantoms of the Void: Victory (Davis) Phantoms of the Void: Northwest Crystal (Davis): Gravity Sling (Tempest) (octylFractal) Phantoms of the Void: Northeast Crystal (Davis): Reinforced Plating (Warhound) (octylFractal) Phantoms of the Void: South Crystal (Davis): Infested Siege Tanks (octylFractal) Phantoms of the Void: Base Established (Davis): War Pigs (Davis) Phantoms of the Void: Close Temple (Davis): Banshee (Davis) Phantoms of the Void: Mid Temple (Davis): Spawn Larvae (Swarm Queen) (Davis) Phantoms of the Void: Southeast Temple (Davis): Advanced Ballistics (Liberator) (octylFractal) Phantoms of the Void: Northeast Temple (Davis): Progressive Stimpack (Marauder) (Davis) Phantoms of the Void: Northwest Temple (Davis): Reaper (octylFractal) Beat Phantoms of the Void (Davis): Beat Phantoms of the Void (Davis) The Spear of Adun: Victory (Davis): Slayer (octylFractal) The Spear of Adun: Close Warp Gate (Davis): Progressive Protoss Ground Weapon (octylFractal) The Spear of Adun: West Warp Gate (Davis): Predator's Fury (Predator) (Davis) The Spear of Adun: North Warp Gate (Davis): Juggernaut Plating (Marauder) (octylFractal) The Spear of Adun: North Power Cell (Davis): Ventral Sacs (Overlord) (octylFractal) The Spear of Adun: East Power Cell (Davis): Laser Targeting System (Marine) (Davis) The Spear of Adun: South Power Cell (Davis): Kinetic Foam (HERC) (Davis) The Spear of Adun: Southeast Power Cell (Davis): G-4 Clusterbomb (Reaper) (octylFractal) Beat The Spear of Adun (Davis): Beat The Spear of Adun (Davis) Amon's Reach: Victory (Davis): Caustic Spray (Corruptor) (octylFractal) Amon's Reach: Close Solarite Reserve (Davis): Detect Weakness (Havoc) (octylFractal) Amon's Reach: North Solarite Reserve (Davis): Progressive Protoss Ground Armor (Davis) Amon's Reach: East Solarite Reserve (Davis): Anabolic Synthesis (Ultralisk) (Davis) Amon's Reach: West Launch Bay (Davis): Resource Efficiency (Goliath) (octylFractal) Amon's Reach: South Launch Bay (Davis): Shaped Hull (Valkyrie) (Davis) Amon's Reach: Northwest Launch Bay (Davis): Enhanced Cluster Launchers (Valkyrie) (Davis) Amon's Reach: East Launch Bay (Davis): Chitinous Plating (Ultralisk) (Davis) Beat Amon's Reach (Davis): Beat Amon's Reach (Davis) Sky Shield: Victory (Davis): Dual-Fusion Welders (SCV) (octylFractal) Sky Shield: Mid EMP Scrambler (Davis): Distortion Blasters (Banshee) (octylFractal) Sky Shield: Southeast EMP Scrambler (Davis): Progressive Replenishable Magazine (Vulture) (Davis) Sky Shield: North EMP Scrambler (Davis): Orbital Strike (Spear of Adun Calldown) (octylFractal) Sky Shield: Mid Stabilizer (Davis): Progressive Zerg Ground Carapace (octylFractal) Sky Shield: Southwest Stabilizer (Davis): Progressive Zerg Melee Attack (Davis) Sky Shield: Northwest Stabilizer (Davis): Dark Archon (octylFractal) Sky Shield: Northeast Stabilizer (Davis): Infested Banshees (Davis) Sky Shield: Southeast Stabilizer (Davis): Progressive Protoss Air Weapon (Davis) Sky Shield: West Raynor Base (Davis): Reconstruction Beam (Spear of Adun Auto-Cast) (octylFractal) Sky Shield: East Raynor Base (Davis): Temporal Field (Spear of Adun Calldown) (Davis) Beat Sky Shield (Davis): Beat Sky Shield (Davis) Brothers in Arms: Victory (Davis): Ares-Class Targeting System (Goliath) (Davis) Brothers in Arms: Mid Science Facility (Davis): Micro-Filtering (octylFractal) Brothers in Arms: North Science Facility (Davis): Resource Efficiency (Siege Tank) (Davis) Brothers in Arms: South Science Facility (Davis): Dual-Fusion Welders (SCV) (Davis) Beat Brothers in Arms (Davis): Beat Brothers in Arms (Davis) Harbinger of Oblivion: Victory (Davis): Large Scale Field Construction (Thor) (Davis) Harbinger of Oblivion: Artanis (Davis): Photon Cannon (octylFractal) Harbinger of Oblivion: Northwest Void Crystal (Davis): Spartan Company (Davis) Harbinger of Oblivion: Northeast Void Crystal (Davis): Pacification Protocol (Colossus) (octylFractal) Harbinger of Oblivion: Southwest Void Crystal (Davis): Progressive Terran Ship Armor (Davis) Harbinger of Oblivion: Southeast Void Crystal (Davis): Resource Efficiency (Medic) (octylFractal) Harbinger of Oblivion: South Xel'Naga Vessel (Davis): Progressive Zerg Missile Attack (octylFractal) Harbinger of Oblivion: Mid Xel'Naga Vessel (Davis): Launching Vector Compensator (Valkyrie) (octylFractal) Harbinger of Oblivion: North Xel'Naga Vessel (Davis): Internal Fusion Module (Hercules) (octylFractal) Beat Harbinger of Oblivion (Davis): Beat Harbinger of Oblivion (Davis) Unsealing the Past: Victory (Davis): Signifier (Davis) Unsealing the Past: Zerg Cleared (Davis): Progressive Terran Vehicle Armor (Davis) Unsealing the Past: First Stasis Lock (Davis): Progressive Zerg Flyer Attack (octylFractal) Unsealing the Past: Second Stasis Lock (Davis): Shaped Blast (Siege Tank) (Davis) Unsealing the Past: Third Stasis Lock (Davis): Optimized Logistics (Hellion) (Davis) Unsealing the Past: Fourth Stasis Lock (Davis): Progressive Terran Vehicle Weapon (Davis) Unsealing the Past: South Power Core (Davis): Progressive Stimpack (Hellion) (Davis) Unsealing the Past: East Power Core (Davis): Particle Reflection (Stalker/Instigator/Slayer) (Davis) Beat Unsealing the Past (Davis): Beat Unsealing the Past (Davis) Temple of Unification: Victory (Davis): Wraith (Davis) Temple of Unification: Mid Celestial Lock (Davis): Concussive Shells (Marauder) (octylFractal) Temple of Unification: West Celestial Lock (Davis): Progressive Zerg Flyer Carapace (octylFractal) Temple of Unification: South Celestial Lock (Davis): HERC (Davis) Temple of Unification: East Celestial Lock (Davis): Medivac (octylFractal) Temple of Unification: North Celestial Lock (Davis): Optical Flare (Medic) (octylFractal) Temple of Unification: Titanic Warp Prism (Davis): Immortal (octylFractal) Beat Temple of Unification (Davis): Beat Temple of Unification (Davis) Forbidden Weapon: Victory (Davis): Progressive Defensive Matrix (Battlecruiser) (octylFractal) Forbidden Weapon: South Solarite (Davis): Command Center Reactor (Davis) Forbidden Weapon: North Solarite (Davis): Resource Efficiency (Warhound) (octylFractal) Forbidden Weapon: Northwest Solarite (Davis): Internal Tech Module (Goliath) (octylFractal) Beat Forbidden Weapon (Davis): Beat Forbidden Weapon (Davis) Purification: Victory (Davis): Nexus Overcharge (Davis) Purification: North Sector: West Null Circuit (Davis): Ripwave Missiles (Viking) (Davis) Purification: North Sector: Northeast Null Circuit (Davis): Hellion (octylFractal) Purification: North Sector: Southeast Null Circuit (Davis): Blink (Dark Templar/Avenger/Blood Hunter) (Davis) Purification: South Sector: West Null Circuit (Davis): Progressive Terran Vehicle Armor (octylFractal) Purification: South Sector: North Null Circuit (Davis): Sensor Tower (octylFractal) Purification: South Sector: East Null Circuit (Davis): Behemoth Plating (Battlecruiser) (Davis) Purification: West Sector: West Null Circuit (Davis): Thor (octylFractal) Purification: West Sector: Mid Null Circuit (Davis): Mag-Field Accelerators (Cyclone) (Davis) Purification: West Sector: East Null Circuit (Davis): Progressive Zerg Missile Attack (octylFractal) Purification: East Sector: North Null Circuit (Davis): High Templar (octylFractal) Purification: East Sector: West Null Circuit (Davis): Cloak (Battlecruiser) (octylFractal) Purification: East Sector: South Null Circuit (Davis): 5 Kerrigan Levels (octylFractal) Purification: Purifier Warden (Davis): Dark Archon (Davis) Beat Purification (Davis): Beat Purification (Davis) The Growing Shadow: Victory (Davis): Havoc (octylFractal) The Growing Shadow: Close Pylon (Davis): Progressive Terran Ship Armor (octylFractal) The Growing Shadow: East Pylon (Davis): Brynhilds (octylFractal) The Growing Shadow: West Pylon (Davis): Noxious Strain (Ultralisk) (Davis) The Growing Shadow: Nexus (Davis): Valkyrie (Davis) The Growing Shadow: Templar Base (Davis): Liberator (octylFractal) Beat The Growing Shadow (Davis): Beat The Growing Shadow (Davis) Devil's Playground: Victory (Davis): Ion Thrusters (Diamondback) (octylFractal) Devil's Playground: Tosh's Miners (Davis): Progressive Terran Infantry Armor (Davis) Devil's Playground: Brutalisk (Davis): Thor (Davis) Devil's Playground: North Reapers (Davis): Progressive Zerg Ground Carapace (Davis) Devil's Playground: Middle Reapers (Davis): Tactical Jump (Hercules) (octylFractal) Devil's Playground: Southwest Reapers (Davis): Tectonic Destabilizers (Tempest) (octylFractal) Devil's Playground: Southeast Reapers (Davis): Bio-Mechanical Transfusion (Swarm Queen) (octylFractal) Devil's Playground: East Reapers (Davis): Progressive High Impact Payload (Thor) (Davis) Devil's Playground: Zerg Cleared (Davis): Battlecruiser (Davis) Beat Devil's Playground (Davis): Beat Devil's Playground (Davis) The Great Train Robbery: Victory (Davis): Progressive Terran Infantry Weapon (octylFractal) The Great Train Robbery: North Defiler (Davis): Rapid Fire Launchers (Cyclone) (Davis) The Great Train Robbery: Mid Defiler (Davis): War Configuration (Warp Prism) (octylFractal) The Great Train Robbery: South Defiler (Davis): Advanced Laser Technology (Wraith) (Davis) The Great Train Robbery: Close Diamondback (Davis): Swarm Host (octylFractal) The Great Train Robbery: Northwest Diamondback (Davis): Apocalypse (Kerrigan Tier 7) (Davis) The Great Train Robbery: North Diamondback (Davis): Ability Efficiency (Kerrigan Tier 6) (octylFractal) The Great Train Robbery: Northeast Diamondback (Davis): Burrow (Swarm Host) (octylFractal) The Great Train Robbery: Southwest Diamondback (Davis): Progressive Protoss Ground Weapon (Davis) The Great Train Robbery: Southeast Diamondback (Davis): Resource Efficiency (Liberator) (octylFractal) The Great Train Robbery: Kill Team (Davis): Feedback (Dark Archon) (Davis) The Great Train Robbery: Flawless (Davis): Locust Metabolic Boost (Swarm Host) (octylFractal) The Great Train Robbery: 2 Trains Destroyed (Davis): Enduring Locusts (Swarm Host) (octylFractal) The Great Train Robbery: 4 Trains Destroyed (Davis): Progressive Protoss Air Armor (octylFractal) The Great Train Robbery: 6 Trains Destroyed (Davis): Advanced Healing AI (Medivac) (octylFractal) Beat The Great Train Robbery (Davis): Beat The Great Train Robbery (Davis) Cutthroat: Victory (Davis): Progressive Immortality Protocol (Thor) (Davis) Cutthroat: Mira Han (Davis): Crius Suit (Ghost) (Davis) Cutthroat: North Relic (Davis): Advanced Targeting Mechanics (Immortal/Annihilator) (octylFractal) Cutthroat: Mid Relic (Davis): Magrail Munitions (Marine) (Davis) Cutthroat: Southwest Relic (Davis): Internal Tech Module (Battlecruiser) (Davis) Cutthroat: North Command Center (Davis): Ares-Class Targeting System (Goliath) (octylFractal) Cutthroat: South Command Center (Davis): Missile Turret (octylFractal) Cutthroat: West Command Center (Davis): Progressive Stimpack (Firebat) (octylFractal) Beat Cutthroat (Davis): Beat Cutthroat (Davis) Evacuation: Victory (Davis): Fury (Kerrigan Tier 6) (Davis) Evacuation: North Chrysalis (Davis): Progressive Zerg Ground Carapace (Davis) Evacuation: West Chrysalis (Davis): Expanded Hull (Medivac) (Davis) Evacuation: East Chrysalis (Davis): Hive Mind Emulator (octylFractal) Evacuation: Reach Hanson (Davis): HERC (octylFractal) Evacuation: Secret Resource Stash (Davis): Diamondback (Davis) Evacuation: Flawless (Davis): Ultralisk (octylFractal) Beat Evacuation (Davis): Beat Evacuation (Davis) The Dig: Victory (Davis): Launching Vector Compensator (Valkyrie) (Davis) The Dig: Left Relic (Davis): Time Stop (Spear of Adun Calldown) (octylFractal) The Dig: Right Ground Relic (Davis): Progressive Terran Ship Weapon (octylFractal) The Dig: Right Cliff Relic (Davis): Infestor (octylFractal) The Dig: Moebius Base (Davis): Cerberus Mine (Spider Mine) (octylFractal) The Dig: Door Outer Layer (Davis): Progressive Zerg Ground Carapace (Davis) The Dig: Door Thermal Barrier (Davis): Progressive Replenishable Magazine (Vulture) (octylFractal) The Dig: Cutting Through the Core (Davis): Progressive Missile Pods (Battlecruiser) (Davis) The Dig: Structure Access Imminent (Davis): Laser Targeting System (Siege Tank) (Davis) Beat The Dig (Davis): Beat The Dig (Davis) Outbreak: Victory (Davis): Deploy Fenix (Spear of Adun Calldown) (octylFractal) Outbreak: Left Infestor (Davis): Progressive Missile Pods (Battlecruiser) (octylFractal) Outbreak: Right Infestor (Davis): Optimized Logistics (Battlecruiser) (Davis) Outbreak: North Infested Command Center (Davis): Spacetime Anchor (Arbiter) (octylFractal) Outbreak: South Infested Command Center (Davis): Shockwave Missile Battery (Banshee) (octylFractal) Outbreak: Northwest Bar (Davis): Internal Tech Module (Marauder) (octylFractal) Outbreak: North Bar (Davis): Drilling Claws (Widow Mine) (octylFractal) Outbreak: South Bar (Davis): Progressive Protoss Air Armor (octylFractal) Beat Outbreak (Davis): Beat Outbreak (Davis) Welcome to the Jungle: Victory (Davis): Resource Efficiency (HERC) (octylFractal) Welcome to the Jungle: Close Relic (Davis): Spider Mines (Siege Tank) (Davis) Welcome to the Jungle: West Relic (Davis): Progressive Tomahawk Power Cells (Wraith) (Davis) Welcome to the Jungle: North-East Relic (Davis): Executioner Missiles (Widow Mine) (octylFractal) Welcome to the Jungle: Middle Base (Davis): Disruptor (Davis) Welcome to the Jungle: Main Base (Davis): Progressive Protoss Ground Armor (Davis) Welcome to the Jungle: No Terrazine Nodes Sealed (Davis): Progressive Zerg Melee Attack (Davis) Welcome to the Jungle: Up to 1 Terrazine Node Sealed (Davis): Laser Targeting System (Marauder) (octylFractal) Welcome to the Jungle: Up to 2 Terrazine Nodes Sealed (Davis): Progressive Protoss Ground Weapon (Davis) Welcome to the Jungle: Up to 3 Terrazine Nodes Sealed (Davis): Vanadium Plating (octylFractal) Welcome to the Jungle: Up to 4 Terrazine Nodes Sealed (Davis): Malignant Creep (Kerrigan Tier 5) (octylFractal) Welcome to the Jungle: Up to 5 Terrazine Nodes Sealed (Davis): Hive Mind Emulator (Davis) Beat Welcome to the Jungle (Davis): Beat Welcome to the Jungle (Davis) Zero Hour: Victory (Davis): Resource Efficiency (Swarm Queen) (octylFractal) Zero Hour: First Group Rescued (Davis): Spawn Banelings (Kerrigan Tier 4) (Davis) Zero Hour: Second Group Rescued (Davis): Argus Talisman (Dark Archon) (Davis) Zero Hour: Third Group Rescued (Davis): Smart Servos (Liberator) (Davis) Zero Hour: First Hatchery (Davis): Phoenix (octylFractal) Zero Hour: Second Hatchery (Davis): Progressive Terran Ship Weapon (octylFractal) Zero Hour: Third Hatchery (Davis): Death Heads (Davis) Zero Hour: Fourth Hatchery (Davis): Diamondback (octylFractal) Zero Hour: Ride's on its Way (Davis): Zealot (Davis) Zero Hour: Hold Just a Little Longer (Davis): Shadow Guard Training (Dark Templar/Avenger/Blood Hunter) (Davis) Zero Hour: Cavalry's on the Way (Davis): Advanced Construction (SCV) (octylFractal) Beat Zero Hour (Davis): Beat Zero Hour (Davis) Haven's Fall: Victory (Davis): Juggernaut Plating (Firebat) (Davis) Haven's Fall: North Hive (Davis): Advanced Optics (Davis) Haven's Fall: East Hive (Davis): Optimized Logistics (Liberator) (octylFractal) Haven's Fall: South Hive (Davis): Progressive Protoss Air Weapon (octylFractal) Haven's Fall: Northeast Colony Base (Davis): Mothership (octylFractal) Haven's Fall: East Colony Base (Davis): Cyclone (Davis) Haven's Fall: Middle Colony Base (Davis): Progressive Defensive Matrix (Battlecruiser) (octylFractal) Haven's Fall: Southeast Colony Base (Davis): Enhanced Targeting (Davis) Haven's Fall: Southwest Colony Base (Davis): Infestor (Davis) Haven's Fall: Southwest Gas Pickups (Davis): Perdition Turret (Davis) Haven's Fall: East Gas Pickups (Davis): Immortal (Davis) Haven's Fall: Southeast Gas Pickups (Davis): Hyperfluxor (Diamondback) (Davis) Beat Haven's Fall (Davis): Beat Haven's Fall (Davis) The Moebius Factor: Victory (Davis): Warhound (octylFractal) The Moebius Factor: 1st Data Core (Davis): Covert Ops Engines (Battlecruiser) (octylFractal) The Moebius Factor: 2nd Data Core (Davis): Adrenal Overload (Zergling) (Davis) The Moebius Factor: South Rescue (Davis): Spore Crawler (octylFractal) The Moebius Factor: Wall Rescue (Davis): Warp Harmonization (octylFractal) The Moebius Factor: Mid Rescue (Davis): Monarch Blades (Ultralisk) (Davis) The Moebius Factor: Nydus Roof Rescue (Davis): Orbital Assimilators (octylFractal) The Moebius Factor: Alive Inside Rescue (Davis): Wild Mutation (Kerrigan Tier 4) (Davis) The Moebius Factor: Brutalisk (Davis): Spectre (octylFractal) The Moebius Factor: 3rd Data Core (Davis): Mend (Kerrigan Tier 4) (octylFractal) Beat The Moebius Factor (Davis): Beat The Moebius Factor (Davis) Engine of Destruction: Victory (Davis): Progressive High Impact Payload (Thor) (octylFractal) Engine of Destruction: Odin (Davis): Lockdown (Ghost) (Davis) Engine of Destruction: Loki (Davis): Laser Targeting System (Banshee) (octylFractal) Engine of Destruction: Lab Devourer (Davis): Khaydarin Amulet (High Templar/Signifier) (Davis) Engine of Destruction: North Devourer (Davis): Battlecruiser (octylFractal) Engine of Destruction: Southeast Devourer (Davis): Combat Sensor Array (Scout) (Davis) Engine of Destruction: West Base (Davis): Progressive Terran Infantry Armor (Davis) Engine of Destruction: Northwest Base (Davis): Phobos-Class Weapons System (Viking) (Davis) Engine of Destruction: Northeast Base (Davis): Multi-Lock Weapons System (Goliath) (octylFractal) Engine of Destruction: Southeast Base (Davis): Progressive Regenerative Bio-Steel (Davis) Beat Engine of Destruction (Davis): Beat Engine of Destruction (Davis) Supernova: Victory (Davis): Progressive Orbital Command (Davis) Supernova: West Relic (Davis): Orbital Assimilators (Davis) Supernova: North Relic (Davis): Button With a Skull on It (Thor) (Davis) Supernova: South Relic (Davis): Ghost (Davis) Supernova: East Relic (Davis): Shroud of Adun (Dark Templar/Avenger/Blood Hunter) (Davis) Supernova: Landing Zone Cleared (Davis): Targeting Optics (Cyclone) (Davis) Supernova: Middle Base (Davis): Spawn Larvae (Swarm Queen) (octylFractal) Supernova: Southeast Base (Davis): 9 Kerrigan Levels (Davis) Beat Supernova (Davis): Beat Supernova (Davis) Media Blitz: Victory (Davis): Mirage (Davis) Media Blitz: Tower 1 (Davis): Creeper Strain (Swarm Host) (octylFractal) Media Blitz: Tower 2 (Davis): Bloodshard Resonance (Havoc) (octylFractal) Media Blitz: Tower 3 (Davis): Pylon Overcharge (Spear of Adun Calldown) (Davis) Media Blitz: Science Facility (Davis): Progressive Cross-Spectrum Dampeners (Banshee) (octylFractal) Media Blitz: All Barracks (Davis): 10 Kerrigan Levels (octylFractal) Media Blitz: All Factories (Davis): Resource Efficiency (Ultralisk) (Davis) Media Blitz: All Starports (Davis): Resource Efficiency (Dark Templar/Avenger/Blood Hunter) (octylFractal) Media Blitz: Odin Not Trashed (Davis): Tactical Jump (Battlecruiser) (Davis) Media Blitz: Surprise Attack Ends (Davis): Magrail Munitions (Marauder) (octylFractal) Beat Media Blitz (Davis): Beat Media Blitz (Davis) Lab Rat: Victory (octylFractal): Stabilizer Medpacks (Medic) (Davis) Lab Rat: Gather Minerals (octylFractal): Matrix Overload (Davis) Lab Rat: South Zergling Group (octylFractal): Deep Tunnel (Swarm Queen) (Davis) Lab Rat: East Zergling Group (octylFractal): Corruption (Corruptor) (octylFractal) Lab Rat: West Zergling Group (octylFractal): Optimized Logistics (Battlecruiser) (octylFractal) Lab Rat: Hatchery (octylFractal): Void Ray (octylFractal) Lab Rat: Overlord (octylFractal): Chain Reaction (Kerrigan Tier 2) (Davis) Lab Rat: Gas Turrets (octylFractal): Progressive Protoss Shields (octylFractal) Beat Lab Rat (octylFractal): Beat Lab Rat (octylFractal) Shoot the Messenger: Victory (octylFractal): Progressive Terran Vehicle Armor (octylFractal) Shoot the Messenger: East Stasis Chamber (octylFractal): Progressive Protoss Air Weapon (octylFractal) Shoot the Messenger: Center Stasis Chamber (octylFractal): Resource Efficiency (HERC) (Davis) Shoot the Messenger: West Stasis Chamber (octylFractal): Progressive Stimpack (Reaper) (octylFractal) Shoot the Messenger: Destroy 4 Shuttles (octylFractal): Winged Nightmares (octylFractal) Shoot the Messenger: Frozen Expansion (octylFractal): Afterburners (Medivac) (octylFractal) Shoot the Messenger: Southwest Frozen Zerg (octylFractal): Progressive Terran Infantry Weapon (Davis) Shoot the Messenger: Southeast Frozen Zerg (octylFractal): Sensor Tower (Davis) Shoot the Messenger: West Frozen Zerg (octylFractal): Internal Tech Module (Banshee) (octylFractal) Shoot the Messenger: East Frozen Zerg (octylFractal): Hi-Sec Auto Tracking (octylFractal) Beat Shoot the Messenger (octylFractal): Beat Shoot the Messenger (octylFractal) The Crucible: Victory (octylFractal): Progressive Zerg Missile Attack (Davis) The Crucible: Tyrannozor (octylFractal): Progressive Stimpack (Hellion) (octylFractal) The Crucible: Reach the Pool (octylFractal): Nano Projector (Medic) (octylFractal) The Crucible: 15 Minutes Remaining (octylFractal): Nano Projectors (Firebat) (Davis) The Crucible: 5 Minutes Remaining (octylFractal): Siege Breakers (Davis) The Crucible: Pincer Attack (octylFractal): Twin-Linked Flamethrower (Hellion) (octylFractal) The Crucible: Yagdra Claims Brakk's Pack (octylFractal): Progressive Terran Infantry Weapon (octylFractal) Beat The Crucible (octylFractal): Beat The Crucible (octylFractal) Harvest of Screams: Victory (octylFractal): Resource Efficiency (Ultralisk) (octylFractal) Harvest of Screams: First Ursadon Matriarch (octylFractal): Cloak (Liberator) (Davis) Harvest of Screams: North Ursadon Matriarch (octylFractal): Juggernaut Plating (HERC) (Davis) Harvest of Screams: West Ursadon Matriarch (octylFractal): Resource Efficiency (Firebat) (octylFractal) Harvest of Screams: Lost Brood (octylFractal): Anabolic Synthesis (Ultralisk) (octylFractal) Harvest of Screams: Northeast Psi-link Spire (octylFractal): Resource Efficiency (Goliath) (Davis) Harvest of Screams: Northwest Psi-link Spire (octylFractal): Advanced Medic Facilities (Medic) (Davis) Harvest of Screams: Southwest Psi-link Spire (octylFractal): Quatro (Davis) Harvest of Screams: Nafash (octylFractal): Hercules (octylFractal) Beat Harvest of Screams (octylFractal): Beat Harvest of Screams (octylFractal) Infested: Victory (octylFractal): Resource Efficiency (Firebat) (Davis) Infested: East Science Facility (octylFractal): Progressive Proxy Pylon (Spear of Adun Calldown) (Davis) Infested: Center Science Facility (octylFractal): Resource Efficiency (Swarm Queen) (Davis) Infested: West Science Facility (octylFractal): Titanium Housing (Missile Turret) (octylFractal) Infested: First Intro Garrison (octylFractal): Shaped Hull (Banshee) (octylFractal) Infested: Second Intro Garrison (octylFractal): Magrail Munitions (Marine) (octylFractal) Infested: Base Garrison (octylFractal): Spawn Leviathan (Kerrigan Tier 7) (octylFractal) Infested: East Garrison (octylFractal): Predator (Davis) Infested: Mid Garrison (octylFractal): Shield Battery (octylFractal) Infested: North Garrison (octylFractal): Auto Launchers (Vulture) (octylFractal) Infested: Close Southwest Garrison (octylFractal): 330mm Barrage Cannon (Thor) (octylFractal) Infested: Far Southwest Garrison (octylFractal): Resource Efficiency (Spectre) (Davis) Beat Infested (octylFractal): Beat Infested (octylFractal) Fire in the Sky: Victory (octylFractal): Widow Mine (octylFractal) Fire in the Sky: West Biomass (octylFractal): Unshackled Psionic Storm (High Templar/Signifier) (Davis) Fire in the Sky: North Biomass (octylFractal): Infested Medics (octylFractal) Fire in the Sky: South Biomass (octylFractal): Progressive Protoss Ground Armor (octylFractal) Fire in the Sky: Destroy 3 Gorgons (octylFractal): Skibi's Angels (octylFractal) Fire in the Sky: Close Zerg Rescue (octylFractal): Hellion (Davis) Fire in the Sky: South Zerg Rescue (octylFractal): Incubator Chamber (Swarm Queen) (Davis) Fire in the Sky: North Zerg Rescue (octylFractal): Impaler Rounds (Spectre) (Davis) Fire in the Sky: West Queen Rescue (octylFractal): Hyperflight Rotors (Banshee) (octylFractal) Fire in the Sky: East Queen Rescue (octylFractal): Nyx-Class Cloaking Module (Spectre) (octylFractal) Beat Fire in the Sky (octylFractal): Beat Fire in the Sky (octylFractal) Rendezvous: Victory (octylFractal): Amplified Assimilators (octylFractal) Rendezvous: Right Queen (octylFractal): Orbital Depots (Davis) Rendezvous: Center Queen (octylFractal): Bio-Mechanical Transfusion (Swarm Queen) (Davis) Rendezvous: Left Queen (octylFractal): Kinetic Foam (HERC) (octylFractal) Rendezvous: Hold Out Finished (octylFractal): Spore Crawler (Davis) Beat Rendezvous (octylFractal): Beat Rendezvous (octylFractal) Planetfall: Victory (octylFractal): Matrix Overload (octylFractal) Planetfall: East Gate (octylFractal): Advanced Cloaking Field (Medivac) (octylFractal) Planetfall: Northwest Gate (octylFractal): Progressive Terran Vehicle Weapon (octylFractal) Planetfall: North Gate (octylFractal): Auto-Repair (Vulture) (octylFractal) Planetfall: 1 Bile Launcher Deployed (octylFractal): Cellular Reactor (Davis) Planetfall: 2 Bile Launchers Deployed (octylFractal): Hostile Environment Adaptation (SCV) (octylFractal) Planetfall: 3 Bile Launchers Deployed (octylFractal): Marine (Davis) Planetfall: 4 Bile Launchers Deployed (octylFractal): Anti-Mechanical Munition (Viking) (Davis) Planetfall: 5 Bile Launchers Deployed (octylFractal): Shredding Claws (Zergling) (Davis) Planetfall: Sons of Korhal (octylFractal): Progressive Zerg Missile Attack (octylFractal) Planetfall: Night Wolves (octylFractal): Laser Targeting System (Thor) (octylFractal) Planetfall: West Expansion (octylFractal): Destroyer (Davis) Planetfall: Mid Expansion (octylFractal): Laser Targeting System (Marauder) (Davis) Beat Planetfall (octylFractal): Beat Planetfall (octylFractal) Phantoms of the Void: Victory (octylFractal): Advanced Construction (SCV) (Davis) Phantoms of the Void: Northwest Crystal (octylFractal): Burst Capacitors (Diamondback) (Davis) Phantoms of the Void: Northeast Crystal (octylFractal): High Templar (Davis) Phantoms of the Void: South Crystal (octylFractal): Command Center Reactor (octylFractal) Phantoms of the Void: Base Established (octylFractal): Nyx-Class Cloaking Module (Spectre) (Davis) Phantoms of the Void: Close Temple (octylFractal): Progressive Tri-Lithium Power Cell (Diamondback) (octylFractal) Phantoms of the Void: Mid Temple (octylFractal): Laser Targeting System (Liberator) (Davis) Phantoms of the Void: Southeast Temple (octylFractal): Structure Armor (Davis) Phantoms of the Void: Northeast Temple (octylFractal): Aberration (Davis) Phantoms of the Void: Northwest Temple (octylFractal): Progressive Stimpack (Marine) (Davis) Beat Phantoms of the Void (octylFractal): Beat Phantoms of the Void (octylFractal) Domination: Victory (octylFractal): Optical Flare (Medic) (Davis) Domination: Center Infested Command Center (octylFractal): Hyperflight Rotors (Banshee) (Davis) Domination: North Infested Command Center (octylFractal): Enhanced Cloak Field (Arbiter) (octylFractal) Domination: Repel Zagara (octylFractal): Tempest (octylFractal) Domination: Close Baneling Nest (octylFractal): Advanced Cloaking Field (Reaper) (octylFractal) Domination: South Baneling Nest (octylFractal): Heroic Fortitude (Kerrigan Tier 1) (octylFractal) Domination: Southwest Baneling Nest (octylFractal): Viking (Davis) Domination: Southeast Baneling Nest (octylFractal): Optimized Ordnance (Davis) Domination: North Baneling Nest (octylFractal): Ultra-Capacitors (Davis) Domination: Northeast Baneling Nest (octylFractal): Progressive Orbital Command (octylFractal) Beat Domination (octylFractal): Beat Domination (octylFractal) Waking the Ancient: Victory (octylFractal): Smart Servos (Hellion) (Davis) Waking the Ancient: Center Essence Pool (octylFractal): Auto-Repair (Vulture) (Davis) Waking the Ancient: East Essence Pool (octylFractal): Rocket Barrage (Banshee) (octylFractal) Waking the Ancient: South Essence Pool (octylFractal): Progressive Protoss Shields (octylFractal) Waking the Ancient: Finish Feeding (octylFractal): Winged Nightmares (Davis) Waking the Ancient: South Proxy Primal Hive (octylFractal): Progressive Zerg Flyer Carapace (octylFractal) Waking the Ancient: East Proxy Primal Hive (octylFractal): Purifier Beam (Spear of Adun Calldown) (octylFractal) Waking the Ancient: South Main Primal Hive (octylFractal): Infested Siege Tanks (Davis) Waking the Ancient: East Main Primal Hive (octylFractal): Sensor Array (Observer) (octylFractal) Beat Waking the Ancient (octylFractal): Beat Waking the Ancient (octylFractal) Hand of Darkness: Victory (octylFractal): Progressive Terran Vehicle Weapon (Davis) Hand of Darkness: North Brutalisk (octylFractal): Infested Banshees (octylFractal) Hand of Darkness: South Brutalisk (octylFractal): Progressive Regenerative Bio-Steel (Davis) Hand of Darkness: Kill 1 Hybrid (octylFractal): Progressive Cross-Spectrum Dampeners (Banshee) (Davis) Hand of Darkness: Kill 2 Hybrid (octylFractal): Progressive Terran Infantry Armor (octylFractal) Hand of Darkness: Kill 3 Hybrid (octylFractal): Orbital Strike (Davis) Hand of Darkness: Kill 4 Hybrid (octylFractal): Thermite Filaments (Hellion) (octylFractal) Hand of Darkness: Kill 5 Hybrid (octylFractal): Orbital Depots (octylFractal) Hand of Darkness: Kill 6 Hybrid (octylFractal): Advanced Siege Tech (Siege Tank) (Davis) Hand of Darkness: Kill 7 Hybrid (octylFractal): Zergling (Davis) Beat Hand of Darkness (octylFractal): Beat Hand of Darkness (octylFractal) The Reckoning: Victory (octylFractal): Afterburners (Medivac) (Davis) The Reckoning: South Lane (octylFractal): Psi Disrupter (octylFractal) The Reckoning: North Lane (octylFractal): Drop-Pods (Kerrigan Tier 7) (Davis) The Reckoning: East Lane (octylFractal): Psi Disrupter (Davis) The Reckoning: Odin (octylFractal): Leaping Strike (Kerrigan Tier 1) (octylFractal) Beat The Reckoning (octylFractal): Beat The Reckoning (octylFractal) Sky Shield: Victory (octylFractal): Progressive Terran Ship Weapon (Davis) Sky Shield: Mid EMP Scrambler (octylFractal): Reaver Capacity (Reaver) (Davis) Sky Shield: Southeast EMP Scrambler (octylFractal): Impaler Rounds (Spectre) (octylFractal) Sky Shield: North EMP Scrambler (octylFractal): Internal Tech Module (Wraith) (Davis) Sky Shield: Mid Stabilizer (octylFractal): Stalker (octylFractal) Sky Shield: Southwest Stabilizer (octylFractal): Improved Overlords (Kerrigan Tier 3) (Davis) Sky Shield: Northwest Stabilizer (octylFractal): Flechette Missiles (Valkyrie) (octylFractal) Sky Shield: Northeast Stabilizer (octylFractal): Shredder Rounds (Viking) (octylFractal) Sky Shield: Southeast Stabilizer (octylFractal): Goliath (octylFractal) Sky Shield: West Raynor Base (octylFractal): Progressive Replenishable Magazine (Vulture) (Davis) Sky Shield: East Raynor Base (octylFractal): Goliath (Davis) Beat Sky Shield (octylFractal): Beat Sky Shield (octylFractal) Amon's Reach: Victory (octylFractal): Progressive Immortality Protocol (Thor) (octylFractal) Amon's Reach: Close Solarite Reserve (octylFractal): Juggernaut Plating (Firebat) (octylFractal) Amon's Reach: North Solarite Reserve (octylFractal): Resource Efficiency (Predator) (Davis) Amon's Reach: East Solarite Reserve (octylFractal): Chrono Surge (Spear of Adun Calldown) (octylFractal) Amon's Reach: West Launch Bay (octylFractal): Smart Servos (Hellion) (octylFractal) Amon's Reach: South Launch Bay (octylFractal): Pylon Overcharge (Spear of Adun Calldown) (octylFractal) Amon's Reach: Northwest Launch Bay (octylFractal): Corruptor (octylFractal) Amon's Reach: East Launch Bay (octylFractal): Psionic Lash (Spectre) (octylFractal) Beat Amon's Reach (octylFractal): Beat Amon's Reach (octylFractal) The Growing Shadow: Victory (octylFractal): Marine (octylFractal) The Growing Shadow: Close Pylon (octylFractal): Raid Artillery (Liberator) (Davis) The Growing Shadow: East Pylon (octylFractal): Jump Jets (Hellion) (octylFractal) The Growing Shadow: West Pylon (octylFractal): Rapid Incubation (Swarm Host) (Davis) The Growing Shadow: Nexus (octylFractal): Progressive Protoss Air Armor (Davis) The Growing Shadow: Templar Base (octylFractal): Charge (Predator) (Davis) Beat The Growing Shadow (octylFractal): Beat The Growing Shadow (octylFractal) Brothers in Arms: Victory (octylFractal): Quatro (octylFractal) Brothers in Arms: Mid Science Facility (octylFractal): Khaydarin Core (Arbiter) (octylFractal) Brothers in Arms: North Science Facility (octylFractal): Progressive Zerg Ground Carapace (octylFractal) Brothers in Arms: South Science Facility (octylFractal): Smart Servos (Viking) (Davis) Beat Brothers in Arms (octylFractal): Beat Brothers in Arms (octylFractal) Forbidden Weapon: Victory (octylFractal): Progressive Protoss Air Weapon (Davis) Forbidden Weapon: South Solarite (octylFractal): Ripwave Missiles (Viking) (octylFractal) Forbidden Weapon: North Solarite (octylFractal): Progressive Terran Ship Weapon (Davis) Forbidden Weapon: Northwest Solarite (octylFractal): Annihilator (octylFractal) Beat Forbidden Weapon (octylFractal): Beat Forbidden Weapon (octylFractal) Harbinger of Oblivion: Victory (octylFractal): Swarm Host (Davis) Harbinger of Oblivion: Artanis (octylFractal): Progressive Terran Vehicle Weapon (Davis) Harbinger of Oblivion: Northwest Void Crystal (octylFractal): Auto Launchers (Vulture) (Davis) Harbinger of Oblivion: Northeast Void Crystal (octylFractal): Shaped Hull (Diamondback) (octylFractal) Harbinger of Oblivion: Southwest Void Crystal (octylFractal): Shredder Rounds (Viking) (Davis) Harbinger of Oblivion: Southeast Void Crystal (octylFractal): Fury (Kerrigan Tier 6) (octylFractal) Harbinger of Oblivion: South Xel'Naga Vessel (octylFractal): Hardened Carapace (Zergling) (Davis) Harbinger of Oblivion: Mid Xel'Naga Vessel (octylFractal): Psionic Shift (Kerrigan Tier 2) (Davis) Harbinger of Oblivion: North Xel'Naga Vessel (octylFractal): Siege Tank (Davis) Beat Harbinger of Oblivion (octylFractal): Beat Harbinger of Oblivion (octylFractal) The Spear of Adun: Victory (octylFractal): Shroud of Adun (Dark Templar/Avenger/Blood Hunter) (octylFractal) The Spear of Adun: Close Warp Gate (octylFractal): 7 Kerrigan Levels (Davis) The Spear of Adun: West Warp Gate (octylFractal): ATX Laser Battery (Battlecruiser) (Davis) The Spear of Adun: North Warp Gate (octylFractal): Devil Dogs (Davis) The Spear of Adun: North Power Cell (octylFractal): Progressive Terran Vehicle Weapon (octylFractal) The Spear of Adun: East Power Cell (octylFractal): Gravitic Boosters (Observer) (octylFractal) The Spear of Adun: South Power Cell (octylFractal): Progressive Protoss Shields (Davis) The Spear of Adun: Southeast Power Cell (octylFractal): Zealot (octylFractal) Beat The Spear of Adun (octylFractal): Beat The Spear of Adun (octylFractal) Rak'Shir: Victory (octylFractal): 10 Kerrigan Levels (Davis) Rak'Shir: North Slayn Elemental (octylFractal): Medivac (Davis) Rak'Shir: Southwest Slayn Elemental (octylFractal): Vespene Efficiency (Kerrigan Tier 5) (Davis) Rak'Shir: East Slayn Elemental (octylFractal): Combat Shield (Marine) (octylFractal) Beat Rak'Shir (octylFractal): Beat Rak'Shir (octylFractal) Unsealing the Past: Victory (octylFractal): Progressive Orbital Command (Davis) Unsealing the Past: Zerg Cleared (octylFractal): Shield Overcharge (Spear of Adun Calldown) (octylFractal) Unsealing the Past: First Stasis Lock (octylFractal): Devil Dogs (octylFractal) Unsealing the Past: Second Stasis Lock (octylFractal): Black Market Launchers (Widow Mine) (octylFractal) Unsealing the Past: Third Stasis Lock (octylFractal): Concealment (Widow Mine) (octylFractal) Unsealing the Past: Fourth Stasis Lock (octylFractal): Laser Targeting System (Thor) (Davis) Unsealing the Past: South Power Core (octylFractal): Valkyrie (octylFractal) Unsealing the Past: East Power Core (octylFractal): Apial Sensors (Scout) (Davis) Beat Unsealing the Past (octylFractal): Beat Unsealing the Past (octylFractal) Templar's Charge: Victory (octylFractal): Dark Templar (octylFractal) Templar's Charge: Northwest Power Core (octylFractal): Progressive Zerg Flyer Attack (octylFractal) Templar's Charge: Northeast Power Core (octylFractal): Shield Capacity (Zealot/Sentinel/Centurion) (octylFractal) Templar's Charge: Southeast Power Core (octylFractal): Dark Archon Meld (Dark Templar) (octylFractal) Templar's Charge: West Hybrid Statis Chamber (octylFractal): Scarab Damage (Reaver) (Davis) Templar's Charge: Southeast Hybrid Statis Chamber (octylFractal): Progressive Protoss Ground Armor (Davis) Beat Templar's Charge (octylFractal): Beat Templar's Charge (octylFractal) Evacuation: Victory (octylFractal): Graduating Range (Siege Tank) (Davis) Evacuation: North Chrysalis (octylFractal): Progressive High Impact Payload (Thor) (octylFractal) Evacuation: West Chrysalis (octylFractal): Laser Targeting System (Marine) (octylFractal) Evacuation: East Chrysalis (octylFractal): Superior Warp Gates (octylFractal) Evacuation: Reach Hanson (octylFractal): 8 Kerrigan Levels (Davis) Evacuation: Secret Resource Stash (octylFractal): Afterburners (Valkyrie) (octylFractal) Evacuation: Flawless (octylFractal): Progressive Terran Infantry Armor (octylFractal) Beat Evacuation (octylFractal): Beat Evacuation (octylFractal) The Great Train Robbery: Victory (octylFractal): Resource Efficiency (Liberator) (Davis) The Great Train Robbery: North Defiler (octylFractal): Adaptive Medpacks (Medic) (Davis) The Great Train Robbery: Mid Defiler (octylFractal): Raptor Strain (Zergling) (Davis) The Great Train Robbery: South Defiler (octylFractal): Restoration (Medic) (Davis) The Great Train Robbery: Close Diamondback (octylFractal): Cloak (Battlecruiser) (Davis) The Great Train Robbery: Northwest Diamondback (octylFractal): Progressive Protoss Shields (Davis) The Great Train Robbery: North Diamondback (octylFractal): Progressive Terran Vehicle Armor (Davis) The Great Train Robbery: Northeast Diamondback (octylFractal): Disruptor (octylFractal) The Great Train Robbery: Southwest Diamondback (octylFractal): Progressive Tri-Lithium Power Cell (Diamondback) (Davis) The Great Train Robbery: Southeast Diamondback (octylFractal): Avenger (octylFractal) The Great Train Robbery: Kill Team (octylFractal): Disintegrating Particles (Stalker/Instigator/Slayer) (octylFractal) The Great Train Robbery: Flawless (octylFractal): Leaping Strike (Kerrigan Tier 1) (Davis) The Great Train Robbery: 2 Trains Destroyed (octylFractal): Orbital Strike (Spear of Adun Calldown) (Davis) The Great Train Robbery: 4 Trains Destroyed (octylFractal): Mass Recall (Spear of Adun Calldown) (Davis) The Great Train Robbery: 6 Trains Destroyed (octylFractal): Pressurized Glands (Swarm Host) (Davis) Beat The Great Train Robbery (octylFractal): Beat The Great Train Robbery (octylFractal) Smash and Grab: Victory (octylFractal): Progressive Protoss Ground Armor (octylFractal) Smash and Grab: First Relic (octylFractal): Combat Drugs (Reaper) (octylFractal) Smash and Grab: Second Relic (octylFractal): Vulture (Davis) Smash and Grab: Third Relic (octylFractal): Vanadium Plating (Davis) Smash and Grab: Fourth Relic (octylFractal): Progressive Protoss Shields (octylFractal) Smash and Grab: First Forcefield Area Busted (octylFractal): Solar Bombardment (Spear of Adun Calldown) (octylFractal) Smash and Grab: Second Forcefield Area Busted (octylFractal): Gravitic Drive (Warp Prism) (octylFractal) Beat Smash and Grab (octylFractal): Beat Smash and Grab (octylFractal) The Outlaws: Victory (octylFractal): Hellbat Aspect (Hellion) (octylFractal) The Outlaws: Rebel Base (octylFractal): 8 Kerrigan Levels (Davis) The Outlaws: North Resource Pickups (octylFractal): Distortion Blasters (Banshee) (Davis) The Outlaws: Bunker (octylFractal): Sentinel (Davis) The Outlaws: Close Resource Pickups (octylFractal): Death Heads (octylFractal) Beat The Outlaws (octylFractal): Beat The Outlaws (octylFractal) Outbreak: Victory (octylFractal): Banshee (octylFractal) Outbreak: Left Infestor (octylFractal): Afterburners (Valkyrie) (Davis) Outbreak: Right Infestor (octylFractal): Smart Servos (Siege Tank) (Davis) Outbreak: North Infested Command Center (octylFractal): Advanced Targeting Mechanics (Immortal/Annihilator) (Davis) Outbreak: South Infested Command Center (octylFractal): Spectre (Davis) Outbreak: Northwest Bar (octylFractal): Progressive Terran Infantry Armor (Davis) Outbreak: North Bar (octylFractal): Tissue Assimilation (Ultralisk) (octylFractal) Outbreak: South Bar (octylFractal): Smart Servos (Viking) (octylFractal) Beat Outbreak (octylFractal): Beat Outbreak (octylFractal) Maw of the Void: Victory (octylFractal): 6 Kerrigan Levels (Davis) Maw of the Void: Landing Zone Cleared (octylFractal): Liberator (Davis) Maw of the Void: Expansion Prisoners (octylFractal): Microbial Shroud (Infestor) (octylFractal) Maw of the Void: South Close Prisoners (octylFractal): Instigator (Davis) Maw of the Void: South Far Prisoners (octylFractal): Shield Overcharge (Spear of Adun Calldown) (Davis) Maw of the Void: North Prisoners (octylFractal): Progressive Orbital Command (octylFractal) Maw of the Void: Mothership (octylFractal): 4 Kerrigan Levels (octylFractal) Maw of the Void: Expansion Rip Field Generator (octylFractal): Incinerator Gauntlets (Firebat) (octylFractal) Maw of the Void: Middle Rip Field Generator (octylFractal): Swarm Queen (Davis) Maw of the Void: Southeast Rip Field Generator (octylFractal): Progressive Zerg Flyer Carapace (octylFractal) Maw of the Void: Stargate Rip Field Generator (octylFractal): Maelstrom (Dark Archon) (Davis) Maw of the Void: Northwest Rip Field Generator (octylFractal): Singularity Charge (Immortal/Annihilator) (octylFractal) Maw of the Void: West Rip Field Generator (octylFractal): Juggernaut Plating (HERC) (octylFractal) Maw of the Void: Southwest Rip Field Generator (octylFractal): Progressive Tri-Lithium Power Cell (Diamondback) (Davis) Beat Maw of the Void (octylFractal): Beat Maw of the Void (octylFractal) The Dig: Victory (octylFractal): Firebat (octylFractal) The Dig: Left Relic (octylFractal): Progressive Fire-Suppression System (Davis) The Dig: Right Ground Relic (octylFractal): Resource Efficiency (Reaver) (Davis) The Dig: Right Cliff Relic (octylFractal): W.I.L.D. Missiles (Viking) (octylFractal) The Dig: Moebius Base (octylFractal): 7 Kerrigan Levels (octylFractal) The Dig: Door Outer Layer (octylFractal): Progressive Terran Ship Armor (octylFractal) The Dig: Door Thermal Barrier (octylFractal): Blood Hunter (Davis) The Dig: Cutting Through the Core (octylFractal): Swarm Queen (octylFractal) The Dig: Structure Access Imminent (octylFractal): Ultralisk (Davis) Beat The Dig (octylFractal): Beat The Dig (octylFractal) Cutthroat: Victory (octylFractal): Kinetic Foam (Firebat) (octylFractal) Cutthroat: Mira Han (octylFractal): Optimized Logistics (Goliath) (Davis) Cutthroat: North Relic (octylFractal): Juggernaut Plating (Marauder) (Davis) Cutthroat: Mid Relic (octylFractal): Defiler (Davis) Cutthroat: Southwest Relic (octylFractal): Organic Carapace (Swarm Queen) (octylFractal) Cutthroat: North Command Center (octylFractal): Progressive Protoss Shields (Davis) Cutthroat: South Command Center (octylFractal): Laser Targeting System (Liberator) (octylFractal) Cutthroat: West Command Center (octylFractal): Hel's Angels (octylFractal) Beat Cutthroat (octylFractal): Beat Cutthroat (octylFractal) The Moebius Factor: Victory (octylFractal): Progressive Zerg Flyer Attack (octylFractal) The Moebius Factor: 1st Data Core (octylFractal): 9 Kerrigan Levels (octylFractal) The Moebius Factor: 2nd Data Core (octylFractal): Advanced Cloaking Field (Medivac) (Davis) The Moebius Factor: South Rescue (octylFractal): Advanced Photon Blasters (Scout) (Davis) The Moebius Factor: Wall Rescue (octylFractal): Improved Overlords (Kerrigan Tier 3) (octylFractal) The Moebius Factor: Mid Rescue (octylFractal): Quantic Reactor (Tempest) (octylFractal) The Moebius Factor: Nydus Roof Rescue (octylFractal): Advanced Healing AI (Medivac) (Davis) The Moebius Factor: Alive Inside Rescue (octylFractal): Ion Thrusters (Vulture) (octylFractal) The Moebius Factor: Brutalisk (octylFractal): Colossus (octylFractal) The Moebius Factor: 3rd Data Core (octylFractal): Progressive Stimpack (Marauder) (Davis) Beat The Moebius Factor (octylFractal): Beat The Moebius Factor (octylFractal) Shatter the Sky: Victory (octylFractal): Marauder (octylFractal) Shatter the Sky: Close Coolant Tower (octylFractal): Drop-Pods (Kerrigan Tier 7) (octylFractal) Shatter the Sky: Northwest Coolant Tower (octylFractal): Progressive Zerg Melee Attack (octylFractal) Shatter the Sky: Southeast Coolant Tower (octylFractal): Progressive Regenerative Bio-Steel (octylFractal) Shatter the Sky: Southwest Coolant Tower (octylFractal): Advanced Medic Facilities (Medic) (octylFractal) Shatter the Sky: Leviathan (octylFractal): Hammer Securities (Davis) Shatter the Sky: East Hatchery (octylFractal): Scout (Davis) Shatter the Sky: North Hatchery (octylFractal): Resource Efficiency (Diamondback) (Davis) Shatter the Sky: Mid Hatchery (octylFractal): Anion Pulse-Crystals (Phoenix/Mirage) (octylFractal) Beat Shatter the Sky (octylFractal): Beat Shatter the Sky (octylFractal) Zero Hour: Victory (octylFractal): 5 Kerrigan Levels (Davis) Zero Hour: First Group Rescued (octylFractal): Organic Carapace (Swarm Queen) (Davis) Zero Hour: Second Group Rescued (octylFractal): Solar Bombardment (Spear of Adun Calldown) (Davis) Zero Hour: Third Group Rescued (octylFractal): Automated Extractors (Kerrigan Tier 3) (Davis) Zero Hour: First Hatchery (octylFractal): Rocket Barrage (Banshee) (Davis) Zero Hour: Second Hatchery (octylFractal): Heroic Fortitude (Kerrigan Tier 1) (Davis) Zero Hour: Third Hatchery (octylFractal): Midnight Riders (Davis) Zero Hour: Fourth Hatchery (octylFractal): Thermite Filaments (Hellion) (Davis) Zero Hour: Ride's on its Way (octylFractal): Jet Pack Overdrive (Reaper) (octylFractal) Zero Hour: Hold Just a Little Longer (octylFractal): Flux Vanes (Void Ray/Destroyer) (octylFractal) Zero Hour: Cavalry's on the Way (octylFractal): Behemoth Plating (Battlecruiser) (octylFractal) Beat Zero Hour (octylFractal): Beat Zero Hour (octylFractal) Haven's Fall: Victory (octylFractal): Progressive Terran Vehicle Armor (octylFractal) Haven's Fall: North Hive (octylFractal): Infested Medics (Davis) Haven's Fall: East Hive (octylFractal): Progressive Protoss Air Armor (Davis) Haven's Fall: South Hive (octylFractal): Optimized Ordnance (octylFractal) Haven's Fall: Northeast Colony Base (octylFractal): Phoenix (Davis) Haven's Fall: East Colony Base (octylFractal): Zergling Reconstitution (Kerrigan Tier 3) (Davis) Haven's Fall: Middle Colony Base (octylFractal): Psionic Shift (Kerrigan Tier 2) (octylFractal) Haven's Fall: Southeast Colony Base (octylFractal): Burst Capacitors (Diamondback) (octylFractal) Haven's Fall: Southwest Colony Base (octylFractal): Skibi's Angels (Davis) Haven's Fall: Southwest Gas Pickups (octylFractal): Infested Terran (Infestor) (Davis) Haven's Fall: East Gas Pickups (octylFractal): Twin Drones (Kerrigan Tier 5) (Davis) Haven's Fall: Southeast Gas Pickups (octylFractal): 6 Kerrigan Levels (octylFractal) Beat Haven's Fall (octylFractal): Beat Haven's Fall (octylFractal) Gates of Hell: Victory (octylFractal): Gates of Hell: Victory (octylFractal) Gates of Hell: Large Army (octylFractal): Advanced Targeting Optics (Banshee) (Davis) Gates of Hell: 2 Drop Pods (octylFractal): Hellstorm Batteries (Missile Turret) (octylFractal) Gates of Hell: 4 Drop Pods (octylFractal): Maelstrom Rounds (Siege Tank) (Davis) Gates of Hell: 6 Drop Pods (octylFractal): Internal Tech Module (Marauder) (Davis) Gates of Hell: 8 Drop Pods (octylFractal): Chronostatic Reinforcement (Arbiter) (octylFractal) Gates of Hell: Southwest Spore Cannon (octylFractal): Progressive Terran Vehicle Armor (Davis) Gates of Hell: Northwest Spore Cannon (octylFractal): Resource Efficiency (Cyclone) (Davis) Gates of Hell: Northeast Spore Cannon (octylFractal): 7 Kerrigan Levels (octylFractal) Gates of Hell: East Spore Cannon (octylFractal): Arbiter (octylFractal) Gates of Hell: Southeast Spore Cannon (octylFractal): Resource Efficiency (Dark Templar/Avenger/Blood Hunter) (Davis) Gates of Hell: Expansion Spore Cannon (octylFractal): Signifier (octylFractal) Beat Gates of Hell (octylFractal): Beat Gates of Hell (octylFractal) Playthrough: 0: { Marauder (Davis) Vulture (octylFractal) } 1: { Lab Rat: Hatchery (octylFractal): Void Ray (octylFractal) Sky Shield: Mid Stabilizer (octylFractal): Stalker (octylFractal) } 2: { Beat Sky Shield (octylFractal): Beat Sky Shield (octylFractal) Sky Shield: East Raynor Base (octylFractal): Goliath (Davis) Sky Shield: Southeast Stabilizer (octylFractal): Goliath (octylFractal) } 3: { Beat Devil's Playground (Davis): Beat Devil's Playground (Davis) Devil's Playground: Zerg Cleared (Davis): Battlecruiser (Davis) Beat Amon's Reach (octylFractal): Beat Amon's Reach (octylFractal) } 4: { Beat Evacuation (Davis): Beat Evacuation (Davis) Beat The Great Train Robbery (Davis): Beat The Great Train Robbery (Davis) Evacuation: East Chrysalis (Davis): Hive Mind Emulator (octylFractal) Beat Brothers in Arms (octylFractal): Beat Brothers in Arms (octylFractal) Beat The Growing Shadow (octylFractal): Beat The Growing Shadow (octylFractal) The Growing Shadow: Victory (octylFractal): Marine (octylFractal) } 5: { Beat Cutthroat (Davis): Beat Cutthroat (Davis) Beat Welcome to the Jungle (Davis): Beat Welcome to the Jungle (Davis) Cutthroat: Mid Relic (Davis): Magrail Munitions (Marine) (Davis) Cutthroat: South Command Center (Davis): Missile Turret (octylFractal) Beat Evacuation (octylFractal): Beat Evacuation (octylFractal) Beat Forbidden Weapon (octylFractal): Beat Forbidden Weapon (octylFractal) } 6: { Zero Hour: Fourth Hatchery (Davis): Diamondback (octylFractal) Zero Hour: Ride's on its Way (Davis): Zealot (Davis) Beat The Outlaws (octylFractal): Beat The Outlaws (octylFractal) Beat The Spear of Adun (octylFractal): Beat The Spear of Adun (octylFractal) The Spear of Adun: Southeast Power Cell (octylFractal): Zealot (octylFractal) } 7: { Beat Outbreak (octylFractal): Beat Outbreak (octylFractal) Harbinger of Oblivion: North Xel'Naga Vessel (octylFractal): Siege Tank (Davis) Harbinger of Oblivion: Victory (octylFractal): Swarm Host (Davis) Rak'Shir: East Slayn Elemental (octylFractal): Combat Shield (Marine) (octylFractal) The Great Train Robbery: 6 Trains Destroyed (octylFractal): Pressurized Glands (Swarm Host) (Davis) } 8: { Beat Haven's Fall (Davis): Beat Haven's Fall (Davis) Beat Zero Hour (Davis): Beat Zero Hour (Davis) Haven's Fall: East Gas Pickups (Davis): Immortal (Davis) Haven's Fall: Southwest Gas Pickups (Davis): Perdition Turret (Davis) } 9: { Beat The Dig (Davis): Beat The Dig (Davis) } 10: { Beat Outbreak (Davis): Beat Outbreak (Davis) } 11: { Engine of Destruction: North Devourer (Davis): Battlecruiser (octylFractal) } 12: { Beat Maw of the Void (octylFractal): Beat Maw of the Void (octylFractal) Maw of the Void: Middle Rip Field Generator (octylFractal): Swarm Queen (Davis) Maw of the Void: South Close Prisoners (octylFractal): Instigator (Davis) } 13: { Beat Lab Rat (Davis): Beat Lab Rat (Davis) Beat The Spear of Adun (Davis): Beat The Spear of Adun (Davis) Beat Zero Hour (octylFractal): Beat Zero Hour (octylFractal) } 14: { Beat Amon's Reach (Davis): Beat Amon's Reach (Davis) Beat Waking the Ancient (Davis): Beat Waking the Ancient (Davis) Gates of Hell: Victory (octylFractal): Gates of Hell: Victory (octylFractal) } 15: { Beat Brothers in Arms (Davis): Beat Brothers in Arms (Davis) Beat Rendezvous (Davis): Beat Rendezvous (Davis) Beat Sky Shield (Davis): Beat Sky Shield (Davis) } 16: { Beat Harbinger of Oblivion (Davis): Beat Harbinger of Oblivion (Davis) } 17: { Beat Temple of Unification (Davis): Beat Temple of Unification (Davis) } 18: { Beat Forbidden Weapon (Davis): Beat Forbidden Weapon (Davis) Beat Unsealing the Past (Davis): Beat Unsealing the Past (Davis) } 19: { Beat Purification (Davis): Beat Purification (Davis) } 20: { The Growing Shadow: Templar Base (Davis): Liberator (octylFractal) } 21: { The Dig: Structure Access Imminent (octylFractal): Ultralisk (Davis) } 22: { Beat Hand of Darkness (Davis): Beat Hand of Darkness (Davis) } 23: { Phantoms of the Void: Victory (Davis): Phantoms of the Void: Victory (Davis) }