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Item Amount Last Order Received
Bonecrusher 1 0
25000 Gil 8 745
Scathe 1 2
1000 Gil 31 754
Chaos Bombs 1 4
500 Gil 25 727
Ras Algethi 2 415
Prince's Kiss 5 752
Empyrean Rod 2 103
Tube Fuse 1 10
Pinewood Chop 28 736
Reverse Mote 3 606
Giant Stonebow 3 553
Fumarole 5 679
Onion Bombs 2 206
Aero 1 19
Ether 6 678
5000 Gil 24 759
Gillie Boots 3 732
Dragon Scale 1 23
1000 Needles 1 24
Gauntlets 3 409
Barheim Key 1 27
Echo Herbs 3 422
Balfonheim Aeropass 1 29
Bubble Mote 3 531
Francisca 1 31
Rime Fang 7 746
Orrachea Armlet 5 572
Shadestone 1 34
Chaos 1 35
Headband 1 36
Hastega Mote 5 704
Demonsbane 2 437
Black Orb 24 735
Bangle 4 713
Hell-Gate's Flame 1 42
Lightning Fang 5 671
Miter 1 44
Grimoire Aidhed 1 45
Eye Drops 10 705
Cuchulainn 1 47
Iron Pole 2 70
Firefly 4 687
Treaty-Blade 1 51
Nu Khai Sand 8 656
Stoneblade 1 53
Nalbina Aeropass 1 54
Thief's Cap 2 660
Flare 1 58
Rabanastre Aeropass 1 60
Lab Access Card 1 61
Scathe Mote 1 62
Leather Gorget 1 64
Dragon Shield 1 65
Lusterless Medallion 1 67
Shemhazai 1 69
Blizzaga 1 71
Battle Harness 2 325
Bowline Sash 1 74
Enchanter's Habit 1 75
Ambrosia 1 76
Balaclava 1 78
Sword of Kings 1 79
Float Mote 4 625
Potion 7 714
Warp Mote 4 308
Sagittarius Gem 1 84
Platinum Sword 5 431
Diamond Sword 3 661
Flame Staff 1 88
Halberd 3 502
Blindna 1 90
Ultima 1 91
Obelisk 3 689
Medallion of Might 1 93
Einherjarium 1 95
Antidote 6 721
Site 11 Key 1 98
Carmagnole 1 99
Storm Magicite 1 100
Save the Queen 2 673
Shock Mote 2 603
10000 Gil 12 739
Amber Armlet 1 108
Wind Stone 1 110
Sakura-saezuri 2 333
Chronos Tear 6 631
Lamia's Tiara 1 113
Soul Ward Key 1 114
White Robes 2 159
Serum 5 583
Volcano 3 655
Adrammelech 1 120
Mateus 1 121
Icebrand 2 268
Vanishga Mote 4 690
Barrel Coat 1 126
Zodiark 1 127
Handkerchief 3 418
Black Bolts 2 274
Dispel Mote 3 691
Malboro Fruit 1 137
Cura 1 138
Fira 1 139
Windvane 1 140
Power Rod 3 740
Aquara Mote 3 355
Cleanse 1 143
Phoenix Down 4 728
Vox 1 148
Dorsal Fin 1 153
Quasimodo Boots 3 371
Damascus Steel 2 369
Soleil Fang 4 737
Grimy Fragment 1 158
Kilimweave Shirt 1 160
Holy 1 161
Eksir Berries 3 506
Shikari Nagasa 1 163
First Aid 1 164
Knot of Rust 5 743
Sage's Ring 2 522
Manufacted Nethicite 1 167
Bhujerba Aeropass 1 169
Trident 3 464
Glass Jewel 1 171
Firaga 1 172
Germinas Boots 1 173
Addle 1 175
Holy Rod 2 297
Medallion of Love 1 178
Wind Globe 1 179
Metal Jerkin 2 755
Rusted Scrap of Armor 1 181
Shelled Trophy 1 182
Teleport Stone 10 658
Lente's Tear 1 185
Sword of the Order 1 186
Tourmaline Ring 2 234
Dark Mote 2 624
Yensa Fin 1 191
Broken Spear 1 192
Brigandine 1 193
Magoroku 2 366
Fiery Arrows 3 477
Silent Urn 1 197
Close Helmet 3 598
Steel Poleyns 3 636
Belias 1 201
Decoy 1 203
Moonsilver Medallion 1 204
Achilles 1 205
Second Board 1 207
Dusty Letter 1 208
Gravity Mote 1 210
Ring of the Light 1 212
Stone of the Condemner 1 213
Mesa 1 214
Goddess's Magicite 1 216
Dispel 1 217
Ring of the Toad 1 218
Goggle Mask 2 621
Storm Spear 2 695
No. 1 Brig Key 1 222
Aero Mote 3 584
Jade Collar 1 226
Red Cap 2 334
Mage's Hat 1 238
Main Gauche 2 444
Caramel 1 244
Balance Mote 5 753
Meteorite A 9 622
Ruby Ring 1 253
Fuzzy Miter 2 534
Flametongue 2 527
Jade Gown 1 257
Argyle Armlet 1 258
Maduin Gear 2 421
Cat-ear Hood 2 733
Bomb Shell 1 263
Pheasant Netsuke 4 638
Ragnarok 1 266
Domaine Calvados 1 267
Blood Sword 3 515
Death's-Head 1 273
Longbow 2 589
Hi-Potion 4 710
Cameo Belt 1 285
Phobos Glaze 3 443
Gold Needle 3 725
Demon Mail 2 644
Astrakhan Hat 2 663
Aqua Shot 1 294
Ashura 1 296
Book of Orgain 1 303
Earth Crystal 1 305
Warp 1 309
Thorned Mace 1 311
Remedy 1 312
Frog Oil 1 313
Yensa Scale 1 314
Bubble Belt 1 315
Recurve Crossbow 1 316
Stamp 1 318
Bacchus's Wine 1 319
Golden Armor 2 400
Syphon 1 322
Tyrant Hide 1 327
Viking Coat 2 543
Stink Bombs 2 447
Hermes Sandals 1 331
Meteorite B 1 339
Black Cowl 1 341
Mithuna 2 718
Holy Crystal 1 343
Nebra Succulent 1 352
1 Gil 6 756
Disable 1 354
Bio Mote 2 520
Sleep 1 362
Demon's Sigh 1 363
Shellga 1 364
Sorcerer's Habit 1 370
Gaia Gear 1 372
Bent Staff 2 619
X-Potion 4 509
Exodus 1 378
Poisona 1 379
Sluice Gate Key 1 381
Steel Mask 1 382
Burgonet 2 406
Avenger 3 692
Diamond Armlet 2 642
Sandalwood Chop 1 388
Stardust 1 391
Kagenui 2 562
Bone Mail 1 395
Onion Bolts 1 398
Ninja Gear 1 401
Blazer Gloves 1 403
Mage's Habit 1 404
Rabbit's Tail 1 408
Eight-fluted Pole 2 439
Shell Shield 1 416
Blackened Fragment 1 417
Ageworn Key 1 419
Wrath of the Gods 1 425
Site 3 Key 1 426
Bio 1 427
Power Armlet 3 442
Reflectga Mote 4 717
Dawn Shard 1 433
Wyrmfire Shot 1 434
Traveler's Vestment 1 435
Expose 1 440
Vanish 1 441
Berserker Bracers 3 748
Buckler 1 446
Scorpio Gem 1 449
Artemis Arrows 1 452
Wyrm Bone 1 453
Prime Pelt 1 454
Berserk 1 455
Gokuu Pole 1 458
Clan Primer 1 459
Celebrant's Miter 1 460
Regen 1 462
Leamonde Halcyon 1 467
Esuna 1 468
Large Feather 2 594
Libra 1 471
Fire Magicite 1 474
Frogspawn 1 479
Megalixir 1 480
Famfrit 1 482
Greataxe 1 483
Aqua 1 484
Aeroga 1 487
Black Belt 1 488
Heavy Coat 1 490
Golden Shield 2 587
Darkga 1 493
Shell 1 494
Darkra 1 495
Rainstone 1 498
Leather Armor 1 501
Indigo Pendant 1 504
Yoichi Bow 1 510
Magick Gloves 1 512
Immobilize 1 513
Stona 1 514
Dark Stone 1 521
Euclid's Sextant 1 523
Systems Access Key 3 715
Rat Tail 1 525
Quality Stone 1 533
Rose Corsage 1 540
Shear 1 545
Holy Lance 1 548
Thundara 1 549
Gaia Rod 1 550
Artemis Bow 1 552
Writ of Transit 1 557
Tanned Giantskin 1 558
Sylphi Halcyon 1 560
Bleed 1 565
Glacial Staff 1 566
Charged Gizzard 1 573
Charm 1 577
Hashmal 1 580
Revive 1 581
Errmonea Leaf 1 582
Ribbon 1 586
Infuse 1 590
Horology 1 591
Blindga 1 593
Slasher 1 595
Zeromus 1 597
Officer's Hat 1 599
Topkapi Hat 1 601
Nishijin Belt 1 602
Fine Wool 1 604
Diamond Shield 1 605
Thunder 1 607
Medallion of Bravery 1 611
Loxley Bow 1 612
Assassin's Arrows 1 613
Gendarme 1 616
Ice Crystal 2 623
Countdown 1 628
Merchant's Armband 1 629
Steel Gorget 2 724
Shock 1 633
Mythril Blade 1 634
Ann's Letter 1 635
Hunting Crossbow 1 639
Quality Lumber 1 641
Bubble 1 643
Dark Matter 1 647
Cactus Flower 1 649
Gigas Chestplate 1 652
Slow 1 653
Pilika's Diary 1 657
Break 1 664
Doom Mace 2 738
Cure 1 666
White Mask 2 758
Lordly Robes 1 669
Solid Stone 1 672
Protect 1 674
Leather Cap 1 688
Crescent Stone 1 693
Reflect 1 696
White Incense 1 697
Demon Drink 1 698
Stolen Articles 1 699
Sunstone 1 700
Sorcerer's Hat 1 701
Golden Amulet 1 703
Graviga 1 707
Serpentwyne Must 1 708
Gravity 1 709
Cura Mote 2 719
Faith 1 712
Lu Shang's Badge 1 716
Scourge 1 720
Raise 1 723
Cross Scale 1 731
Broken Key 1 734
Zalera 1 741
Archades Aeropass 1 742
Windslicer Shot 1 744
Lead Bolts 1 749
Charge 1 750
Ketu Board 1 751
Viera Rucksack 1 757
Serpent Eye 1 760
Shades of Black 1 761
Dull Fragment 1 762
Location Checked
Cerobi Steppe - Old Elanise Road Treasure 8 ✔
Barheim Passage - Special Op Sector 5 Treasure 3 ✔
Zertinan Caverns - Drybeam Cavern Treasure 4 ✔
Nam-Yensa Sandsea - Yellow Sands Treasure 3 ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Crossfield Treasure 10 ✔
Pharos of Ridorana - Spire Ravel - 2nd Flight Treasure 5 ✔
Dalmasca Westersand - Shimmering Horizons Treasure 11 ✔
Barheim Passage - Op Sector 37 Treasure 2 ✔
Zertinan Caverns - Invitation to Heresy Treasure 9 ✔
Pharos of Ridorana - Wellspring Ravel - 4th Flight Treasure 2 ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - The Yoma Treasure 8 ✔
Cerobi Steppe - The Northsward Treasure 4 ✔
Giruvegan - Sirhru Phullam Praa'vaa Treasure 1 ✔
Salikawood - Quietened Trace Treasure 2 ✔
Lhusu Mines - Shaft Entry Treasure 4 ✔
Henne Mines - Phase 2 Shaft Treasure 3 ✔
Paramina Rift - Head of the Silverflow Treasure 4 ✔
Zertinan Caverns - Hourglass Basin Treasure 1 ✔
Old Archades - Alley of Low Whispers Treasure 11 ✔
Henne Mines - Phase 1 Dig Treasure 4 ✔
Giza Plains Rains - Starfall Field Treasure 3 ✔
Feywood - Walk of Dancing Shadow Treasure 4 ✔
Mosphoran Highwaste - Trail of Sky-flung Stone Treasure 1 ✔
Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - East Junction Treasure 9 ✔
Sochen Cave Palace - Falls of Time Treasure 2 ✔
Sochen Cave Palace - Mirror of the Soul Treasure 6 ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - The Stepping Treasure 5 ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Sand-swept Naze Treasure 3 ✔
Paramina Rift - Frozen Brook Treasure 2 ✔
Tchita Uplands - Garden of Life's Circle Treasure 1 ✔
Giza Plains Dry - Gizas South Bank Treasure 5 ✔
Stilshrine of Miriam - Walk of Reason Treasure 1 ✔
Pharos of Ridorana - Spire Ravel - 2nd Flight Treasure 4 ✔
Sochen Cave Palace - Mirror of the Soul Treasure 4 ✔
Phon Coast - The Reseta Strand Treasure 1 ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - The Stepping Treasure 2 ✔
Phon Coast - The Hakawea Shore Treasure 11 ✔
Ozmone Plain - Dagan Flats Treasure 6 ✔
Tchita Uplands - The Lost Way Treasure 2 ✔
Stilshrine of Miriam - Ward of Velitation Treasure 2 ✔
Phon Coast - The Mauleia Strand Treasure 10 ✔
Lhusu Mines - Site 3 Treasure 2 ✔
Dalmasca Westersand - Shimmering Horizons Treasure 8 ✔
Pharos of Ridorana - Station of Banishment Treasure 6 ✔
Ozmone Plain - Field of Fallen Wings Treasure 5 ✔
Lhusu Mines - Shaft Entry Treasure 3 ✔
Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - Platform 1 - Refinery Treasure 7 ✔
Salikawood - Sun-dappled Path Treasure 4 ✔
Feywood - Walk of Flitting Rifts Treasure 8 ✔
Feywood - Redolent Glade Treasure 1 ✔
Necrohol of Nabudis - Cloister of the Highborn Treasure 11 ✔
Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - Primary Tank Complex Treasure 6 ✔
Feywood - Walk of Stolen Truths Treasure 9 ✔
Barheim Passage - The Lightworks Treasure 2 ✔
Barheim Passage - West Annex Treasure 11 ✔
Tchita Uplands - The Skytrail Treasure 8 ✔
Sochen Cave Palace - Hall of the Wroth God Treasure 1 ✔
Barheim Passage - Special Op Sector 5 Treasure 2 ✔
Cerobi Steppe - The Northsward Treasure 10 ✔
Phon Coast - The Hakawea Shore Treasure 2 ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Banks of the Nebra Treasure 7 ✔
Cerobi Steppe - The Northsward Treasure 14 ✔
Phon Coast - Pora-Pora Sands Treasure 5 ✔
Giza Plains Rains - Nomad Village Treasure 1 ✔
Old Archades - Alley of Low Whispers Treasure 1 ✔
Phon Coast - Cape Tialan Treasure 7 ✔
Lhusu Mines - Shaft Entry Treasure 5 ✔
Barheim Passage - West Annex Treasure 3 ✔
Ridorana Cataract - Echoes from Time's Garden Treasure 9 ✔
Giza Plains Rains - Starfall Field Treasure 7 ✔
Pharos of Ridorana - Station of Ascension Treasure 4 ✔
Paramina Rift - Silverflow's End Treasure 4 ✔
Nabreus Deadlands - Greencrag Treasure 2 ✔
Pharos of Ridorana - Wellspring Labyrinth Treasure 6 ✔
Necrohol of Nabudis - Cloister of the Highborn Treasure 1 ✔
Lhusu Mines - Transitway 1 Treasure 1 ✔
Giza Plains Dry - Warrior's Wash Treasure 6 ✔
Lowtown - South Sprawl Treasure 2 ✔
Dalmasca Westersand - Windtrace Dunes Treasure 1 ✔
Phon Coast - Cape Tialan Treasure 8 ✔
Nabreus Deadlands - Lifeless Strand Treasure 7 ✔
Pharos of Ridorana - Wellspring Labyrinth Treasure 5 ✔
Necrohol of Nabudis - Cloister of the Highborn Treasure 9 ✔
Dalmasca Westersand - Shimmering Horizons Treasure 4 ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Old Elanise Road Treasure 16 ✔
Paramina Rift - Karydine Glacier Treasure 9 ✔
Tchita Uplands - The Lost Way Treasure 10 ✔
Tchita Uplands - Realm of the Elder Dream Treasure 4 ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Feddik River Treasure 4 ✔
Zertinan Caverns - Sandfalls Treasure 3 ✔
Phon Coast - Limatra Hills Treasure 9 ✔
Necrohol of Nabudis - Hall of the Ivory Covenant Treasure 3 ✔
Pharos of Ridorana - Empyrean Ravel Treasure 2 ✔
Tomb of Raithwall - Royal Passage Treasure 4 ✔
Cerobi Steppe - South Liavell Hills Treasure 12 ✔
Paramina Rift - Karydine Glacier Treasure 5 ✔
Garamsythe Waterway - No. 10 Channel (water is drained) Treasure 3 ✔
Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - Platform 1 - South Tanks Treasure 6 ✔
Phon Coast - Caima Hills Treasure 2 ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Crossfield Treasure 3 ✔
Lhusu Mines - Lasche Span Treasure 1 ✔
Dalmasca Westersand - Windtrace Dunes Treasure 3 ✔
Tchita Uplands - Uazcuff Hills Treasure 4 ✔
Pharos of Ridorana - Horizon's Cusp Treasure 4 ✔
Zertinan Caverns - Halls of Ardent Darkness Treasure 1 ✔
Cerobi Steppe - North Liavell Hills Treasure 13 ✔
Nabreus Deadlands - The Slumbermead Treasure 6 ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Yardang Labyrinth Treasure 7 ✔
Draklor Laboratory - 6711 West Treasure 1 ✔
Tchita Uplands - Garden of Life's Circle Treasure 5 ✔
Ozmone Plain - Dagan Flats Treasure 5 ✔
Feywood - Walk of Stolen Truths Treasure 3 ✔
Tchita Uplands - The Lost Way Treasure 6 ✔
Giruvegan - Uldobi Phullam Pratii Treasure 2 ✔
Tchita Uplands - Realm of the Elder Dream Treasure 5 ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Feddik River Treasure 2 ✔
Giza Plains Dry - Warrior's Wash Treasure 7 ✔
Nabreus Deadlands - The Slumbermead Treasure 4 ✔
Phon Coast - Limatra Hills Treasure 7 ✔
Salikawood - Diverging Way Treasure 10 ✔
Stilshrine of Miriam - Walk of Sky Treasure 2 ✔
Giza Plains Rains - Throne Road Treasure 4 ✔
Mosphoran Highwaste - Summit Path Treasure 3 ✔
Feywood - Walk of Flitting Rifts Treasure 10 ✔
Phon Coast - Pora-Pora Sands Treasure 3 ✔
Giza Plains Rains - Toam Hills Treasure 6 ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Broken Sands Treasure 7 ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Old Elanise Road Treasure 2 ✔
Lhusu Mines - Site 5 Treasure 5 ✔
Paramina Rift - Icebound Flow Treasure 5 ✔
Pharos of Ridorana - Wellspring Ravel - 3rd Flight Treasure 1 ✔
Nam-Yensa Sandsea - Simoon Bluff Treasure 10 ✔
Lhusu Mines - Site 7 Treasure 1 ✔
Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - Central Junction Treasure 6 ✔
Paramina Rift - Head of the Silverflow Treasure 2 ✔
Sochen Cave Palace - Falls of Time Treasure 7 ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Sand-swept Naze Treasure 10 ✔
Feywood - Ice Field of Clearsight Treasure 9 ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Outpost Treasure 1 ✔
Dalmasca Westersand - The Midfault Treasure 7 ✔
Giza Plains Rains - Starfall Field Treasure 6 ✔
Necrohol of Nabudis - Hall of the Ivory Covenant Treasure 5 ✔
Pharos of Ridorana Subterra - Penumbra - North Treasure 2 ✔
Tomb of Raithwall - Royal Passage Treasure 5 ✔
Nam-Yensa Sandsea - The Urutan-Yensa Sea Treasure 7 ✔
Mosphoran Highwaste - Summit Path Treasure 6 ✔
Stilshrine of Miriam - Walk of Reason Treasure 7 ✔
Necrohol of Nabudis - Cloister of the Highborn Treasure 5 ✔
Phon Coast - Cape Tialan Treasure 3 ✔
Ozmone Plain - The Switcback Treasure 4 ✔
Salikawood - Garden of Decay Treasure 1 ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - The Stepping Treasure 8 ✔
Nabreus Deadlands - The Slumbermead Treasure 12 ✔
Lowtown - North Sprawl Treasure 6 ✔
Mosphoran Highwaste - Trail of Sky-flung Stone Treasure 3 ✔
Paramina Rift - Head of the Silverflow Treasure 7 ✔
Mosphoran Highwaste - Empyrean Way Treasure 3 ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Old Elanise Road Treasure 7 ✔
Mosphoran Highwaste - Rays of Ashen Light Treasure 3 ✔
Pharos of Ridorana - The Bounds of Truth Treasure 3 ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Feddik River Treasure 14 ✔
Pharos of Ridorana Subterra - Umbra - South Treasure 4 ✔
Lhusu Mines - Site 3 Treasure 3 ✔
Giza Plains Rains - Toam Hills Treasure 3 ✔
Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - Central Junction Treasure 7 ✔
Cerobi Steppe - The Northsward Treasure 9 ✔
Pharos of Ridorana Subterra - Abyssal - South Treasure 5 ✔
Lhusu Mines - Shunia Twinspan Treasure 2 ✔
Dalmasca Westersand - Corridor of Sand Treasure 9 ✔
Ozmone Plain - Field of Fallen Wings Treasure 3 ✔
Zertinan Caverns - The Balamka Fault Treasure 1 ✔
Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - Platform 1 - South Tanks Treasure 5 ✔
Nabreus Deadlands - Echoes of the Past Treasure 3 ✔
Tchita Uplands - Uazcuff Hills Treasure 1 ✔
Necrohol of Nabudis - Hall of Slumbering Might Treasure 4 ✔
Pharos of Ridorana Subterra - Penumbra - North Treasure 4 ✔
Pharos of Ridorana - Wellspring Ravel - 3rd Flight Treasure 6 ✔
Lhusu Mines - Site 9 Treasure 7 ✔
Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - Platform 1 - South Tanks Treasure 2 ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Feddik River Treasure 9 ✔
Phon Coast - Cape Uahuk Treasure 9 ✔
Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - Platform 2 - Refinery Treasure 5 ✔
Sochen Cave Palace - Hall of Shadowlight Treasure 3 ✔
Paramina Rift - Silverflow's End Treasure 1 ✔
Nam-Yensa Sandsea - Simoon Bluff Treasure 6 ✔
Ridorana Cataract - City of Other Days Treasure 1 ✔
Sochen Cave Palace - Hall of Shadowlight Treasure 5 ✔
Tomb of Raithwall - Southfall Passage Treasure 6 ✔
Golmore Jungle - Dell of the Dreamer Treasure 1 ✔
Mosphoran Highwaste - Empyrean Way Treasure 2 ✔
Feywood - The Edge of Reason Treasure 6 ✔
Phon Coast - The Hakawea Shore Treasure 4 ✔
Giruvegan - Gate of Fire Treasure 3 ✔
Mosphoran Highwaste - Summit Path Treasure 5 ✔
Ozmone Plain - Field of Fallen Wings Treasure 4 ✔
Giza Plains Rains - Tracks of the Beast Treasure 5 ✔
Mosphoran Highwaste - Southern Skirts Treasure 5 ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Banks of the Nebra Treasure 4 ✔
Giruvegan - Sirhru Phullam Pratii'vaa Treasure 2 ✔
Sochen Cave Palace - Destiny's March Treasure 6 ✔
Sochen Cave Palace - Hall of Shadowlight Treasure 2 ✔
Zertinan Caverns - Drybeam Cavern Treasure 3 ✔
Phon Coast - Cape Tialan Treasure 4 ✔
Giza Plains Rains - Starfall Field Treasure 1 ✔
Stilshrine of Miriam - Walk of Reason Treasure 9 ✔
Sochen Cave Palace - The Acolyte's Burden Treasure 2 ✔
Mosphoran Highwaste - Northern Skirts Treasure 6 ✔
Tchita Uplands - The Highlands Treasure 4 ✔
Feywood - Walk of Flitting Rifts Treasure 3 ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Crossfield Treasure 5 ✔
Feywood - White Magick's Embrace Treasure 1 ✔
Old Archades - Alley of Low Whispers Treasure 4 ✔
Giza Plains Dry - Starfall Field Treasure 7 ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - The Stepping Treasure 9 ✔
Mosphoran Highwaste - Rays of Ashen Light Treasure 4 ✔
Dalmasca Westersand - Galtea Downs Treasure 6 ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - The Yoma Treasure 5 ✔
Garamsythe Waterway - No. 3 Cloaca Spur (water is drained) Treasure 1 ✔
Ozmone Plain - Haulo Green Treasure 5 ✔
Henne Mines - Phase 2 Dig Treasure 3 ✔
Zertinan Caverns - The Balamka Fault Treasure 5 ✔
Mosphoran Highwaste - Summit Path Treasure 4 ✔
Henne Mines - Crossover A Treasure 4 ✔
Eruyt Village - The Spiritwood Treasure 2 ✔
Stilshrine of Miriam - Hall of Worth Treasure 2 ✔
Phon Coast - The Hakawea Shore Treasure 1 ✔
Giruvegan - Dhebon Jilaam Avaapratii Treasure 1 ✔
Nam-Yensa Sandsea - Simoon Bluff Treasure 4 ✔
Lhusu Mines - Site 6 North Treasure 2 ✔
Lhusu Mines - Shaft Entry Treasure 1 ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Old Elanise Road Treasure 3 ✔
Henne Mines - Crossover C Treasure 4 ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - The Stepping Treasure 1 ✔
Tchita Uplands - Sundered Earth Treasure 11 ✔
Lhusu Mines - Site 6 North Treasure 1 ✔
Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - Platform 1 - South Tanks Treasure 1 ✔
Dalmasca Westersand - Windtrace Dunes Treasure 9 ✔
Phon Coast - The Hakawea Shore Treasure 5 ✔
Dalmasca Westersand - Windtrace Dunes Treasure 5 ✔
Henne Mines - Special Charter Shaft Treasure 15 ✔
Pharos of Ridorana Subterra - Umbra - North Treasure 3 ✔
Barheim Passage - The Zeviah Span Treasure 11 ✔
Henne Mines - Special Charter Shaft Treasure 7 ✔
Dreadnought Leviathan - Sub-control Room Treasure 2 ✔
Dalmasca Westersand - Corridor of Sand Treasure 3 ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Outpost Treasure 3 ✔
Lhusu Mines - Site 5 Treasure 2 ✔
Tchita Uplands - Oliphzak Rise Treasure 2 ✔
Old Archades - Alley of Low Whispers Treasure 6 ✔
Ridorana Cataract - Colosseum Treasure 1 ✔
Ozmone Plain - The Shred Treasure 8 ✔
Garamsythe Waterway - East Waterway Control Treasure 1 ✔
Salikawood - The Omen-Spur Treasure 1 ✔
Dalmasca Westersand - Galtea Downs Treasure 5 ✔
Giruvegan - Sirhru Phullam Pratii'vaa Treasure 1 ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 11 Reward (3) ✔
Nabreus Deadlands - Nabreus Medallion 1 Reward (2) ✔
Eruyt Village - Lente's Tear Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Hydro Reward (3) ✔
Lowtown - Hunt 7: Ring Wyrm Reward (3) ✔
Giruvegan - Defeat Ultima Reward (3) ✔
Jahara - Hunt 12: Ixtab Reward (3) ✔
Jahara - Hunt 15: Mindflayer Reward (2) ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Vyraal Drop Reward (3) ✔
Rabanastre - Hunt 8: Wyvern Lord Reward (3) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 7 Reward (3) ✔
Pharos of Ridorana - Defeat Hashmal Reward (2) ✔
Archades - Hunt Club Owner 10 Trophy Rares Defeated Reward (2) ✔
Stilshrine of Miriam - Myath - Eternal Trophy Reward (3) ✔
Balfonheim - Footrace Reward (2) ✔
Dreadnought Leviathan - Manufacted Nethicite Reward (2) ✔
Archades - Hunt 23: Overlord Reward (2) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 11 Reward (2) ✔
Barheim Passage - Ishteen - Bony Trophy Reward (2) ✔
Stilshrine of Miriam - Defeat Zeromus Reward (2) ✔
Giza Plains Dry - Giza Sunstone Reward (3) ✔
Nalbina Fortress - Hunt 25: Deathscythe Reward (2) ✔
Balfonheim - Viera Wayfarer Dragon Scale Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Esper: Control 13 Reward (2) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 14 Reward (3) ✔
Giruvegan - Treaty-Blade Reward (3) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 17 Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Humbaba Mistant Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Firemane Reward (3) ✔
Nabreus Deadlands - Nabreus Medallion 1 Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Hell Wyrm Reward (2) ✔
Eruyt Village - Hunt 14: Vorpal Bunny Reward (3) ✔
Necrohol of Nabudis - Defeat Chaos Reward (3) ✔
Garamsythe Waterway - Defeat Cuchulainn Reward (3) ✔
Archades - Hunt Club Owner 10 Trophy Rares Defeated Reward (3) ✔
Golmore Jungle - Biding Mantis - Scythe Trophy Reward (3) ✔
Rabanastre - Hunt 1: Rogue Tomato Reward (3) ✔
Garamsythe Waterway - White Mousse Drop Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Daedulus Reward (3) ✔
Mt. Bur-Omisace - Hunt 28: Piscodaemon Reward (2) ✔
Nalbina Fortress - Jovy Reward Reward (2) ✔
Tchita Uplands - Lindwyrm Drop Reward (3) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 13 Reward (2) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 7 Reward (2) ✔
Necrohol of Nabudis - Medallion of Might Reward (3) ✔
Bhujerba - Hunt 38: Antlion Reward (3) ✔
Royal Palace - Goddess's Magicite Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Elder Wyrm Reward (3) ✔
Lowtown - Hunt 42: Behemoth King Reward (2) ✔
Balfonheim - Hunt 32: Pylraster Reward (3) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 25 Reward (2) ✔
Mosphoran Highwaste - Defeat Exodus Reward (2) ✔
Nabreus Deadlands - Nabreus Medallion 3 Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Tiamat Reward (2) ✔
Archades - Hunt Club Owner 20 Trophy Rares Defeated Reward (2) ✔
Bhujerba - Clio's Technicks Pilika's Diary Reward (3) ✔
Giza Plains Dry - Nazarnir - Maned Trophy Reward (2) ✔
Giza Plains Dry - Lesina Give Errmonea Leaf Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Fury Reward (2) ✔
Tchita Uplands - Grimalkin - Whiskered Trophy Reward (2) ✔
Dalmasca Westersand - Kaiser Wolf - Fanged Trophy Reward (2) ✔
Draklor Laboratory - Lab Access Card Reward (2) ✔
Lowtown - Dalan Sword of the Order Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Esper: Control 4 Reward (2) ✔
Archades - Hunt Club Owner 5 Trophy Rares Defeated Reward (2) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 26 Reward (3) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 20 Reward (3) ✔
Dreadnought Leviathan - No. 1 Brig Key Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Mandragora Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Riskbreaker Reward (3) ✔
Jahara - Hunt 30: Catoblepas Reward (3) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 22 Reward (3) ✔
Pharos of Ridorana - Defeat Famfrit and Cid 2 Reward (2) ✔
Lowtown - Dalan Crescent Stone Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Tyrant Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Vinuskar Reward (2) ✔
Tchita Uplands - Lindwyrm Drop Reward (2) ✔
Necrohol of Nabudis - Vorres - Gravesoil Trophy Reward (3) ✔
Tomb of Raithwall - Defeat Vossler Reward (3) ✔
Phon Coast - Site 11 Key Reward (2) ✔
Bhujerba - Pilika Give Pilika's Diary Reward (3) ✔
Garamsythe Waterway - White Mousse Drop Reward (2) ✔
Nabreus Deadlands - Nabreus Medallion 2 Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Humbaba Mistant Reward (2) ✔
Bhujerba - Niray Site 3 Key Reward (2) ✔
Lowtown - Dalan Crescent Stone Reward (3) ✔
Balfonheim - Hunt 32: Pylraster Reward (2) ✔
Rabanastre - Hunt 6: White Mousse Reward (3) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 10 Reward (2) ✔
Bhujerba - Hunt 38: Antlion Reward (2) ✔
Salikawood - Rageclaw - Sickle Trophy Reward (2) ✔
Tomb of Raithwall - Zombie Lord - Soulless Trophy Reward (2) ✔
Jahara - Hunt 12: Ixtab Reward (2) ✔
Skyferry - Ann's Letter Reward (3) ✔
Bhujerba - Hunt 5: Nidhogg Reward (2) ✔
Dalmasca Westersand - Earth Tyrant Quest Wind Globe Reward (3) ✔
Necrohol of Nabudis - Defeat Chaos Reward (2) ✔
Sochen Cave Palace - Anubys - Ensanguined Trophy Reward (2) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 2 Reward (3) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 26 Reward (2) ✔
Henne Mines - Melt - Slimy Trophy Reward (2) ✔
Giza Plains Rains - Hunt 11: Croakadile Reward (2) ✔
Nam-Yensa Sandsea - Victanir - Maverick Trophy Reward (3) ✔
Stilshrine of Miriam - Defeat Mateus Reward (3) ✔
Balfonheim - Hunt 43: Ixion Reward (3) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Outpost Mysterious Glint 3 Reward (3) ✔
Tomb of Raithwall - Dawn Shard Reward (2) ✔
Lowtown - Hunt 7: Ring Wyrm Reward (2) ✔
Rabanastre - Tomaj 2 Reward (3) ✔
Tchita Uplands - Kris - Odiferous Trophy Reward (3) ✔
Paramina Rift - Ancbolder - Mind Trophy Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Esper: Control 4 Reward (3) ✔
Zertinan Caverns - Defeat Adrammelech Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Hell Wyrm Reward (3) ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Bluesang - Cruel Trophy Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Hunt 44: Shadowseer Reward (3) ✔
Rabanastre - Ktjn Reward Reward (3) ✔
Archades - Hunt 23: Overlord Reward (3) ✔
Giza Plains Dry - Nazarnir - Maned Trophy Reward (3) ✔
Rabanastre - Tomaj 3 Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Mandragora Reward (3) ✔
Archades - Hunt Club Owner 20 Trophy Rares Defeated Reward (3) ✔
Rabanastre - Tomaj 2 Reward (2) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 20 Reward (2) ✔
Lhusu Mines - Disma - Accursed Trophy Reward (3) ✔
Lowtown - Balzac Sword of the Order Turn In Reward (2) ✔
Rabanastre - Hunt 9: Marilith Reward (3) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 4 Reward (2) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 22 Reward (2) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Outpost Mysterious Glint 5 Reward (3) ✔
Dreadnought Leviathan - No. 1 Brig Key Reward (2) ✔
Paramina Rift - Fafnir Drop Reward (2) ✔
Nalbina Fortress - Hunt 17: Atomos Reward (2) ✔
Zertinan Caverns - Marilith Drop Reward (2) ✔
Nalbina Fortress - Hunt 17: Atomos Reward (3) ✔
Mt. Bur-Omisace - Hunt 13: Feral Retriever Reward (2) ✔
Garamsythe Waterway - Gavial - Fur-scaled Trophy Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Headhunter Reward (2) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 4 Reward (3) ✔
Giza Plains Rains - Hunt 11: Croakadile Reward (3) ✔
Bhujerba - Hunt 27: Diabolos Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Rafflesia Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Esper: Control 13 Reward (3) ✔
Lowtown - Hunt 4: Wraith Reward (2) ✔
Tomb of Raithwall - Defeat Belias Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Ahriman Reward (3) ✔
Rabanastre - Tomaj 1 Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Paragon of Justice Reward (2) ✔
Barheim Passage - Defeat Zalera Reward (2) ✔
Bhujerba - Hunt 34: Rocktoise Reward (3) ✔
Mt. Bur-Omisace - Hunt 13: Feral Retriever Reward (3) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Dantro's Wife Give Cactus Flower Reward (3) ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Wyrm Philosopher Ageworn Key Reward (2) ✔
Barheim Passage - Defeat Zalera Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Esper: Control 8 Reward (3) ✔
Eruyt Village - Hunt 14: Vorpal Bunny Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Ward of Justice Reward (3) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 19 Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Rear Guard Reward (2) ✔
Balfonheim - Hunt 43: Ixion Reward (2) ✔
Aerodrome - Hunt 39: Carrot Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Daedulus Reward (2) ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Aspidochelon - Adamantine Trophy Reward (2) ✔
Mosphoran Highwaste - Hunt 19: Braegh Reward (3) ✔
Old Archades - Hunt 22: Lindwyrm Reward (2) ✔
Mt. Bur-Omisace - Hunt 31: Fafnir Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Mimic Queen Reward (3) ✔
Paramina Rift - Fafnir Drop Reward (3) ✔
Giza Plains Dry - Hunt 36: Gil Snapper Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Riskbreaker Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Hunt 40: Gilgamesh Reward (3) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Terror Tyrant - Hide-covered Trophy Reward (2) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Hunt 16: Bloodwing Reward (3) ✔
Tomb of Raithwall - Dawn Shard Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Hunt 41: Belito Reward (2) ✔
Draklor Laboratory - Lab Access Card Reward (3) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 19 Reward (3) ✔
Archades - Hunt Club Owner 30 Trophy Rares Defeated Reward (2) ✔
Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - Bull Chocobo - Beaked Trophy Reward (3) ✔
Stilshrine of Miriam - Defeat Zeromus Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Hunt 44: Shadowseer Reward (2) ✔
Old Archades - Moonsilver Medallion Reward (2) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 24 Reward (3) ✔
Henne Mines - Defeat Zodiark Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Headhunter Reward (3) ✔
Rabanastre - Sorbet Sluice Gate Key Reward (3) ✔
Skyferry - Hunt 26: Deathgaze Reward (3) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Dantro's Wife Give Cactus Flower Reward (2) ✔
Tchita Uplands - Soul Ward Key Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Elder Wyrm Reward (2) ✔
Archades - Hunt Club Owner 25 Trophy Rares Defeated Reward (2) ✔
Barheim Passage - Ishteen - Bony Trophy Reward (3) ✔
Garamsythe Waterway - Defeat Cuchulainn Reward (2) ✔
Stilshrine of Miriam - Sword of Kings Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Rear Guard Reward (3) ✔
Lowtown - Hunt 4: Wraith Reward (3) ✔
Archades - Sandalwood Chop Reward (3) ✔
Giza Plains Rains - Nomads Silent Urn Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Knight of the Round Reward (2) ✔
Rabanastre - Hunt 9: Marilith Reward (2) ✔
Barheim Passage - Burrough Tube Fuse Reward (2) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Patient Barheim Key Reward (2) ✔
Archades - Hunt Club Owner 15 Trophy Rares Defeated Reward (3) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Outpost Mysterious Glint 1 Reward (2) ✔
Garamsythe Waterway - Orthros Drop Reward (3) ✔
Draklor Laboratory - Defeat Cid 1 Reward (3) ✔
Rabanastre - Tomaj 3 Reward (2) ✔
Nam-Yensa Sandsea - Victanir - Maverick Trophy Reward (2) ✔
Rabanastre - Hunt 2: Thextera Reward (3) ✔
Necrohol of Nabudis - Medallion of Might Reward (2) ✔
Giza Plains Rains - Nomads Silent Urn Reward (2) ✔
Stilshrine of Miriam - Defeat Mateus Reward (2) ✔
Tchita Uplands - Kris - Odiferous Trophy Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Firemane Reward (2) ✔
Golmore Jungle - Vorpal Bunny Drop Reward (3) ✔
Rabanastre - Grimy Fragment Reward (2) ✔
Giza Plains Dry - Giza Sunstone Reward (2) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 28 Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Vanguard Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Esper: Control 8 Reward (2) ✔
Dreadnought Leviathan - Manufacted Nethicite Reward (3) ✔
Nam-Yensa Sandsea - Eksir Berries Reward (2) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 1 Reward (2) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Moppet Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Paragon of Justice Reward (3) ✔
Nalbina Fortress - Hunt 24: Goliath Reward (2) ✔
Rabanastre - Hunt 6: White Mousse Reward (2) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Patient Barheim Key Reward (3) ✔
Tomb of Raithwall - Zombie Lord - Soulless Trophy Reward (3) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Brave Companion Reward (3) ✔
Vaan's Starting Items (9) ✔
Vaan's Starting Items (5) ✔
Vaan's Starting Items (8) ✔
Vaan's Starting Items (7) ✔
Vaan's Starting Items (2) ✔
Vaan's Starting Items (4) ✔
Vaan's Starting Items (3) ✔
Vaan's Starting Items (10) ✔
Vaan's Starting Items (6) ✔
Ashe's Starting Items (2) ✔
Ashe's Starting Items (10) ✔
Ashe's Starting Items (3) ✔
Ashe's Starting Items (6) ✔
Ashe's Starting Items (8) ✔
Ashe's Starting Items (4) ✔
Ashe's Starting Items (9) ✔
Ashe's Starting Items (5) ✔
Ashe's Starting Items (7) ✔
Fran's Starting Items (3) ✔
Fran's Starting Items (1) ✔
Fran's Starting Items (5) ✔
Fran's Starting Items (7) ✔
Fran's Starting Items (8) ✔
Fran's Starting Items (9) ✔
Balthier's Starting Items (5) ✔
Balthier's Starting Items (6) ✔
Balthier's Starting Items (9) ✔
Balthier's Starting Items (10) ✔
Balthier's Starting Items (1) ✔
Balthier's Starting Items (8) ✔
Balthier's Starting Items (7) ✔
Basch's Starting Items (10) ✔
Basch's Starting Items (7) ✔
Basch's Starting Items (9) ✔
Basch's Starting Items (1) ✔
Basch's Starting Items (3) ✔
Basch's Starting Items (2) ✔
Basch's Starting Items (4) ✔
Basch's Starting Items (8) ✔
Basch's Starting Items (5) ✔
Penelo's Starting Items (5) ✔
Penelo's Starting Items (6) ✔
Penelo's Starting Items (7) ✔
Penelo's Starting Items (8) ✔
Penelo's Starting Items (2) ✔
Penelo's Starting Items (3) ✔
Penelo's Starting Items (10) ✔
Penelo's Starting Items (4) ✔
Penelo's Starting Items (9) ✔
Rabanastre - Tomaj 1 Reward (1) ✔
Rabanastre - Tomaj 2 Reward (1) ✔
Rabanastre - Tomaj 3 Reward (1) ✔
Giza Plains Dry - Masyua Shadestone Reward (1) ✔
Giza Plains Dry - Giza Sunstone Reward (1) ✔
Lowtown - Dalan Crescent Stone Reward (1) ✔
Lowtown - Dalan Sword of the Order Reward (1) ✔
Lowtown - Balzac Sword of the Order Turn In Reward (1) ✔
Dreadnought Leviathan - No. 1 Brig Key Reward (1) ✔
Dreadnought Leviathan - Systems Access Key Reward (1) ✔
Dreadnought Leviathan - Manufacted Nethicite Reward (1) ✔
Nam-Yensa Sandsea - Eksir Berries Reward (1) ✔
Tomb of Raithwall - Defeat Belias Reward (1) ✔
Tomb of Raithwall - Dawn Shard Reward (1) ✔
Tomb of Raithwall - Defeat Vossler Reward (1) ✔
Royal Palace - Goddess's Magicite Reward (1) ✔
Barheim Passage - Burrough Tube Fuse Reward (1) ✔
Jahara - Great-chief Elder After Defeating Vossler Reward (1) ✔
Eruyt Village - Lente's Tear Reward (1) ✔
Stilshrine of Miriam - Defeat Mateus Reward (1) ✔
Stilshrine of Miriam - Sword of Kings Reward (1) ✔
Tchita Uplands - Soul Ward Key Reward (1) ✔
Tchita Uplands - Mandragora Reward Reward (1) ✔
Draklor Laboratory - Defeat Cid 1 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 1 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 2 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 3 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 4 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 5 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 6 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 7 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 8 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 9 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 10 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 11 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 12 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 13 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 14 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 15 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 16 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 17 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 18 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 19 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 20 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 21 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 22 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 23 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 24 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 25 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 26 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 27 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Pinewood Chop 28 Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Sandalwood Chop Reward (1) ✔
Draklor Laboratory - Lab Access Card Reward (1) ✔
Giruvegan - Defeat Shemhazai Reward (1) ✔
Giruvegan - Treaty-Blade Reward (1) ✔
Pharos of Ridorana - Defeat Hashmal Reward (1) ✔
Pharos of Ridorana - Defeat Famfrit and Cid 2 Reward (1) ✔
Rabanastre - Hunt 1: Rogue Tomato Reward (1) ✔
Rabanastre - Hunt 2: Thextera Reward (1) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Hunt 3: Flowering Cactoid Reward (1) ✔
Lowtown - Hunt 4: Wraith Reward (1) ✔
Bhujerba - Hunt 5: Nidhogg Reward (1) ✔
Rabanastre - Hunt 6: White Mousse Reward (1) ✔
Lowtown - Hunt 7: Ring Wyrm Reward (1) ✔
Rabanastre - Hunt 8: Wyvern Lord Reward (1) ✔
Rabanastre - Hunt 9: Marilith Reward (1) ✔
Jahara - Hunt 10: Enkelados Reward (1) ✔
Giza Plains Rains - Hunt 11: Croakadile Reward (1) ✔
Jahara - Hunt 12: Ixtab Reward (1) ✔
Mt. Bur-Omisace - Hunt 13: Feral Retriever Reward (1) ✔
Eruyt Village - Hunt 14: Vorpal Bunny Reward (1) ✔
Jahara - Hunt 15: Mindflayer Reward (1) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Hunt 16: Bloodwing Reward (1) ✔
Nalbina Fortress - Hunt 17: Atomos Reward (1) ✔
Nalbina Fortress - Hunt 18: Roblon Reward (1) ✔
Mosphoran Highwaste - Hunt 19: Braegh Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Hunt 20: Darksteel Reward (1) ✔
Balfonheim - Hunt 21: Vyraal Reward (1) ✔
Old Archades - Hunt 22: Lindwyrm Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Hunt 23: Overlord Reward (1) ✔
Nalbina Fortress - Hunt 24: Goliath Reward (1) ✔
Nalbina Fortress - Hunt 25: Deathscythe Reward (1) ✔
Skyferry - Hunt 26: Deathgaze Reward (1) ✔
Bhujerba - Hunt 27: Diabolos Reward (1) ✔
Mt. Bur-Omisace - Hunt 28: Piscodaemon Reward (1) ✔
Eruyt Village - Hunt 29: Wild Malboro Reward (1) ✔
Jahara - Hunt 30: Catoblepas Reward (1) ✔
Mt. Bur-Omisace - Hunt 31: Fafnir Reward (1) ✔
Balfonheim - Hunt 32: Pylraster Reward (1) ✔
Giza Plains Dry - Hunt 33: Cluckatrice Reward (1) ✔
Bhujerba - Hunt 34: Rocktoise Reward (1) ✔
Lowtown - Hunt 35: Orthros Reward (1) ✔
Giza Plains Dry - Hunt 36: Gil Snapper Reward (1) ✔
Mt. Bur-Omisace - Hunt 37: Trickster Reward (1) ✔
Bhujerba - Hunt 38: Antlion Reward (1) ✔
Aerodrome - Hunt 39: Carrot Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Hunt 40: Gilgamesh Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Hunt 41: Belito Reward (1) ✔
Lowtown - Hunt 42: Behemoth King Reward (1) ✔
Balfonheim - Hunt 43: Ixion Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Hunt 44: Shadowseer Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Hunt 45: Yiazmat Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Moppet Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Hedge Knight Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Rear Guard Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Vanguard Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Headhunter Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Ward of Justice Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Brave Companion Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Riskbreaker Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Paragon of Justice Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: High Guardian Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Rank: Knight of the Round Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Flans Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Firemane Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Earth Tyrant Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Mimic Queen Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Demon Wall 1 Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Demon Wall 2 Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Elder Wyrm Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Tiamat Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Vinuskar Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: King Bomb Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Mandragora Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Ahriman Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Hell Wyrm Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Rafflesia Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Daedulus Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Tyrant Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Hydro Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Humbaba Mistant Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Fury Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Omega Mark XII Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Esper: Control 1 Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Esper: Control 4 Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Esper: Control 8 Reward (1) ✔
Clan Hall - Clan Esper: Control 13 Reward (1) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Flowering Cactoid Drop Reward (1) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Patient Barheim Key Reward (1) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Dantro's Wife Give Cactus Flower Reward (1) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Cactus Family Quest Reward (1) ✔
Mt. Bur-Omisace - Acolyte Stone of the Condemner Reward (1) ✔
Dalmasca Westersand - Earth Tyrant Quest Wind Globe Reward (1) ✔
Rabanastre - Earth Tyrant Quest Windvane Reward (1) ✔
Garamsythe Waterway - White Mousse Drop Reward (1) ✔
Rabanastre - Sorbet Sluice Gate Key Reward (1) ✔
Ozmone Plain - Enkelados Drop Reward (1) ✔
Giza Plains Dry - Lesina Give Errmonea Leaf Reward (1) ✔
Bhujerba - Pilika Merchant's Armband Reward (1) ✔
Bhujerba - Clio's Technicks Pilika's Diary Reward (1) ✔
Bhujerba - Pilika Give Pilika's Diary Reward (1) ✔
Golmore Jungle - Vorpal Bunny Drop Reward (1) ✔
Giza Plains Rains - Croakadile Drop Reward (1) ✔
Tchita Uplands - Lindwyrm Drop Reward (1) ✔
Giza Plains Rains - Nomads Silent Urn Reward (1) ✔
Garamsythe Waterway - Orthros Drop Reward (1) ✔
Bhujerba - Niray Site 3 Key Reward (1) ✔
Phon Coast - Site 11 Key Reward (1) ✔
Paramina Rift - Fafnir Drop Reward (1) ✔
Zertinan Caverns - Marilith Drop Reward (1) ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Vyraal Drop Reward (1) ✔
Balfonheim - Viera Wayfarer Dragon Scale Reward (1) ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Wyrm Philosopher Ageworn Key Reward (1) ✔
Skyferry - Ann's Letter Reward (1) ✔
Skyferry - Ann's Sisters Quest Reward (1) ✔
Lowtown - Dusty Letter Reward (1) ✔
Lowtown - Samal Blackened Fragment Reward (1) ✔
Garamsythe Waterway - Dull Fragment Reward (1) ✔
Rabanastre - Grimy Fragment Reward (1) ✔
Old Archades - Moonsilver Medallion Reward (1) ✔
Nabreus Deadlands - Nabreus Medallion 1 Reward (1) ✔
Nabreus Deadlands - Nabreus Medallion 2 Reward (1) ✔
Nabreus Deadlands - Nabreus Medallion 3 Reward (1) ✔
Necrohol of Nabudis - Medallion of Might Reward (1) ✔
Rabanastre - Viera Rendezvous Reward (1) ✔
Rabanastre - Ktjn Reward Reward (1) ✔
Nalbina Fortress - Jovy Reward Reward (1) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Outpost Mysterious Glint 1 Reward (1) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Outpost Mysterious Glint 2 Reward (1) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Outpost Mysterious Glint 3 Reward (1) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Outpost Mysterious Glint 4 Reward (1) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Outpost Mysterious Glint 5 Reward (1) ✔
Balfonheim - Footrace Reward (1) ✔
Zertinan Caverns - Defeat Adrammelech Reward (1) ✔
Barheim Passage - Defeat Zalera Reward (1) ✔
Garamsythe Waterway - Defeat Cuchulainn Reward (1) ✔
Stilshrine of Miriam - Defeat Zeromus Reward (1) ✔
Mosphoran Highwaste - Defeat Exodus Reward (1) ✔
Necrohol of Nabudis - Defeat Chaos Reward (1) ✔
Giruvegan - Defeat Ultima Reward (1) ✔
Henne Mines - Defeat Zodiark Reward (1) ✔
Phon Coast - Thalassinon - Shelled Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Garamsythe Waterway - Gavial - Fur-scaled Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Barheim Passage - Ishteen - Bony Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Dalmasca Westersand - Kaiser Wolf - Fanged Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Dalmasca Estersand - Terror Tyrant - Hide-covered Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Giza Plains Dry - Nazarnir - Maned Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Zertinan Caverns - Alteci - Fell Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Lhusu Mines - Disma - Accursed Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - Bull Chocobo - Beaked Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Nam-Yensa Sandsea - Victanir - Maverick Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Tomb of Raithwall - Zombie Lord - Soulless Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Mosphoran Highwaste - Dheed - Leathern Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Salikawood - Rageclaw - Sickle Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Nabreus Deadlands - Arioch - Vengeful Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Necrohol of Nabudis - Vorres - Gravesoil Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Ozmone Plain - Killbug - Metallic Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Henne Mines - Melt - Slimy Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Golmore Jungle - Biding Mantis - Scythe Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Feywood - Dreadguard - Feathered Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Giruvegan - Crystal Knight - Skull Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Paramina Rift - Ancbolder - Mind Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Stilshrine of Miriam - Myath - Eternal Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Phon Coast - Skullash - Clawed Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Tchita Uplands - Kris - Odiferous Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Tchita Uplands - Grimalkin - Whiskered Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Sochen Cave Palace - Wendice - Frigid Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Sochen Cave Palace - Anubys - Ensanguined Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Bluesang - Cruel Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Cerobi Steppe - Aspidochelon - Adamantine Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Ridorana Cataract - Abelisk - Reptilian Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Pharos of Ridorana - Avenger - Vile Trophy Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Hunt Club Owner 5 Trophy Rares Defeated Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Hunt Club Owner 10 Trophy Rares Defeated Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Hunt Club Owner 15 Trophy Rares Defeated Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Hunt Club Owner 20 Trophy Rares Defeated Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Hunt Club Owner 25 Trophy Rares Defeated Reward (1) ✔
Archades - Hunt Club Owner 30 Trophy Rares Defeated Reward (1) ✔
Finder Receiver Item Location Game Entrance Found
ArcaneumFF12 VendilyShortHike Shovel Barheim Passage - West Annex Treasure 3 Final Fantasy 12 Open World Vanilla ✔
SetsunaOfTheNite ArcaneumFF12 Systems Access Key RNO3 - Hammer Symphony of the Night Vanilla ✔
Expl of Time DM2 ArcaneumFF12 Systems Access Key The Focus (MAP04) - Blue keycard DOOM II Vanilla ✔
ArcaneumFF12 ArcaneumOOT Megaton Hammer Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Flans Reward (1) Final Fantasy 12 Open World Vanilla ✔
ArcaneumFF12 PoryKid MLSaga Red Chuckola Fruit Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Daedulus Reward (1) Final Fantasy 12 Open World Vanilla ✔
ArcaneumFF12 SetsunaMessenger Lightfoot Tabi Balfonheim - Hunt 43: Ixion Reward (2) Final Fantasy 12 Open World Vanilla ✔
ArcaneumFF12 ArcaneumOOT Song of Time Lhusu Mines - Site 9 Treasure 7 Final Fantasy 12 Open World Vanilla ✔
ArcaneumFF12 Expl of Time DM1 Unto the Cruel (E4M8) - Red skull key Archades - Hunt Club Owner 30 Trophy Rares Defeated Reward (1) Final Fantasy 12 Open World Vanilla ✔
ArcaneumFF12 ArcaneumFF12 Rainstone Bhujerba - Hunt 34: Rocktoise Reward (1) Final Fantasy 12 Open World Vanilla ✔
ArcaneumFF12 SetsunaMessenger Wingsuit Basch's Starting Items (3) Final Fantasy 12 Open World Vanilla ✔
ArcaneumFF12 Expl of Time DM2 Rocket launcher Lowtown - Dalan Crescent Stone Reward (2) Final Fantasy 12 Open World Vanilla ✔
ArcaneumFF12 Alex Fox Z1 White Sword Lowtown - Dalan Crescent Stone Reward (1) Final Fantasy 12 Open World Vanilla ✔
ArcaneumFF12 Expl of Time SA2 Eggman - Jet Engine Nabreus Deadlands - Nabreus Medallion 2 Reward (1) Final Fantasy 12 Open World Vanilla ✔
ArcaneumFF12 Expl of Time DM1 Plasma gun Clan Hall - Clan Boss: Elder Wyrm Reward (1) Final Fantasy 12 Open World Vanilla ✔
ArcaneumFF12 Expl of Time DM2 Chaingun Stilshrine of Miriam - Walk of Sky Treasure 2 Final Fantasy 12 Open World Vanilla ✔
ArcaneumFF12 Expl of Time DM1 Pandemonium (E3M3) Archades - Pinewood Chop 3 Reward (1) Final Fantasy 12 Open World Vanilla ✔
ArcaneumFF12 SetsunaOfTheNite Rib of vlad Giruvegan - Sirhru Phullam Pratii'vaa Treasure 1 Final Fantasy 12 Open World Vanilla ✔
PoryKid MLSaga ArcaneumFF12 Dawn Shard Hoohoo Mountain Base Teehee Valley Entrance Digspot Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga Vanilla ✔
ArcaneumFF12 SetsunaOfTheNite Holy glasses Feywood - Walk of Flitting Rifts Treasure 10 Final Fantasy 12 Open World Vanilla ✔
ArcaneumFF12 SetsunaPrime Power Beam Dalmasca Estersand - Patient Barheim Key Reward (3) Final Fantasy 12 Open World Vanilla ✔
ArcaneumFF12 Expl of Time SA2 Eggman - Mystic Melody Draklor Laboratory - Lab Access Card Reward (3) Final Fantasy 12 Open World Vanilla ✔